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经济贸易系 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 双汇冷鲜肉淮安市场营销策划方案 学生姓名: 学 号: 2009717108 班 级: 营销 0913 指导教师: 2011 年 12 月 15 日 【摘 要】: 近年来,人们的生活水平越来越高,人们的需求已不再满足于温饱,而是更加关注自己的生活质量,对于食品的安全意识也越来越强,在当今市场需求不断扩大的形势下,为冷鲜肉在淮安市场上的发展提供了巨大的机会。但机遇与挑战并存,目前冷鲜肉市场上竞争已经比较激烈,双汇冷鲜肉要想在淮安市场上立足于不败之地,就必然要为企业制定长远的发展目标并做出相应的营销方案,本文通过对双汇冷鲜肉在淮安市场的经营环境进行分析,通过SWOT分析工具来分析该产品的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,以此来发现企业经营过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的发展对策,有效的应用当地的资源,通过对淮安冷鲜肉市场的分析,制定合适的营销策划方案,来提升双汇集团形像,提高产品在市场上的认知度,吸引更多的加盟者,提高企业的竞争力,增加消费者及中间商对双汇企业的信心,同时扩大双汇冷鲜肉的市场份额,从而增加产品销售量,为企业长期发展做好铺垫。 【关键词】: 双汇冷鲜肉;淮安地区;营销环境;营销策划 Abstract In recent years, increasing peoples living standard, peoples needs are no longer satisfied with food and clothing, but more concerned about their quality of life, for food safety awareness is also growing, the growing demand in todays market situation , for the cold meat on the market in the development of Huaian a great opportunity. But the opportunities and challenges, the current cold meat market competition has been more intense, companies succeed in the market based on the position, they are bound to develop long-term development for the business goals and make the appropriate marketing programs, this paper operation of the business environment analysis, through the SWOT analysis tool to analyze the products strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in order to find corporate business process problems, and the corresponding development strategies and effective application of local resources , through the Huaian cold meat market analysis, develop an appropriate marketing plan programs to enhance the image of Shuanghui Group, to improve product awareness in the market, to attract more franchisees, to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, increase Shuanghui consumers and intermediaries on business confidence, while expanding the market share of Shuanghui cold meat, thereby increasing product sales, to pave the way for the long-term development. 【Key words】:Sh


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