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本科毕业论文 浅析教育培训机构的营销模式-以龙文教育为例 ANALYSIS ON THE MARKETING MODE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN LONGWEN EDUCATION AS AN EXAMPIE 学院(部): 经济与管理学院 专业班级: 市场营销08-1 学生姓名: 胡丹丹 指导教师: 鲍睿讲师 2012 年 5 月 31 日 浅析教育培训机构的营销模式-以龙文教育为例 摘要 在市场经济和民办教育的不断发展下,教育培训行业拥有蓬勃的朝气和无限的前景,而市场竞争是不断加剧、愈发残酷的,一个又一个大大小小的教育培训机构在不断的经受考验和洗刷。中国需要一个适合国情的教育培训行业,需要一个满足市场需求又能健康发展的教育培训行业,作为教育培训行业的重要组成细胞--教育培训机构,他们也深知肩上的重担和无比的压力,能在市场竞争中立足,能打败竞争对手,赢得消费者是他们共同的目标。 北京龙文环球教育科技有限公司是中国久具盛名和影响力的教育培训机构,距今走过了13年的历程,它的历史是一本鲜活的教科书。本论文从营销模式的角度出发,对龙文的营销进行综述和分析。本文总共分为四大部分。 首先,对写作背景,行业背景,企业情况进行了基本介绍。其次,对龙文的营销策略成功经验进行分析,并且对其他的营销策略的运用进行了总结。再次,对龙文营销模式中存在的问题进行分析,总结出三个方面。最后,根据理论分析和真实经验对龙文未来产品营销提出改善方法和建议,对未来产品走向,营销方法策略的采用都给出了对策。 关键字:教育培训,市场营销,龙文教育 ANALYSIS ON THE MARKETING MODE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN LONGWEN EDUCATION AS AN EXAMPIE ABSTRACT With the rapid development of market-oriented economy and privately owned education institutions,education and training has shown its promising prospects in the near future.The aggravatingly fierce competition of the market,however,is testing every single education and training institution for its adaptability.China is in need of such education and training institutions that are adaptive to the need of the local market and at the same time the need of their own development as well.And education and training institutions,in ture,are well acknowledged of their target-defeat their competiors and win more customers. Beijing Longwen Global Education Science and Technology Limited Company is the long prestigious and influential education and training institution in China.Its 13-year history,in itself,is a textbook on how to succeed in the competitive education and training market in China.This thesis analyzes its marketing mode and its disadvantages at the moment from the sales perspective.The thesis consists of four parts. Firstly,mainly concern the purpose of writing,the career background,and the basics


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