Train The Trainer 导师培训课程.ppt

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Train The Trainer 导师培训课程

Train The Trainer 导师培训课程 Train The Trainer 导师培训课程 Agenda 课程安排 We need two days to complete our training course: 我们需要二整天时间来完成我们的培训课程: Training session guidelines 培训期间的注意事项 Please pay your attention to the following guidelines: 请注意以下事项: Respect 尊重 Pay Attention 专心 Participate 参与 Have Fun 愉悦 Mobile Phones off 关闭手机 Get to know each other 互相了解 Make a self-introduction to others, including: 向大家进行自我介绍,包括: The Good, the Bad, & The Ugly Your story and experience! Purpose /Process/Payoff 目的/流程/收益 Purpose 目的: The purpose of this program it to help you develop and fine-tune the skills you’ll need to deliver training. 本课程的目的在于发展和进一步完善你在实施培训的过程中所需要的技巧。 Purpose /Process/Payoff 目的/流程/收益 Process 流程: Learning Effectiveness model 高效学习模型 Characteristics of adult learners 成人学习者的特征 Individual learning styles 个人学习风格 The learning formula 学习公式 Learning activities 学习活动 Roles of a trainer 培训者的角色 Foundations for conducting a class 管理培训的基础 Managing challenging behaviors 挑战性行为的管理 Advanced training techniques 高级培训技巧 Learning Effectiveness Model 学习效率模型 This model is made up of three elements 本模型由3部分组成: Effective Content 有效的内容 An Effective Trainer 一个有效的培训者 The participant 参与者 Characteristics of Adult Learners 成人学习者的特征 Like to share the responsibility for learning with the instructor. 乐于同教师一起分享学习职责。 Want the training to be practical, with immediate application. 希望培训切入实际,能得到立即的应用。 Enjoy interacting with other participants. 乐于与其他参与者互动。 Enjoy sharing life experience and will test their personal interpretations against those of others. 乐于分享人生经历,并会把自己的诠释与他人的相比较。 Are goal oriented. 目的性很强。 See page 5 Characteristics of Adult Learners 成人学习者的特征 Expect training to be relevant to their jobs or lives. 希望培训与他们的工作或生活有关。 Are often autonomous and self-directed. 通常主控意识和自我管理意识强。 Need respect. 需要被尊重。 Want an opportunity to experiment and practice with the learning materials. 需要有机会对学习材料加以试验和实践。 Characteristic


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