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1. Balance of payments accounting:A country’s balance of payments accounts accounts for its payments to and its receipts from foreigners. An international transaction involves two parties, and each transaction enters the accounts twice: once as a credit (+) and once as a debit (-).国际收支账户:一国的国际收支账户,记录的是该过对外国的支付和从外国获得收入的情况。任何导致对外国人进行支付的交易,都计入国际收支账户的借方,并在前面加上一个负号(-);任何导致从外国人那里获得收入的交易,都计入借方,并加上一个正号(+)2. Current account balance (exports minus imports): The difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services 经常项目余额:出口的商品和服务与进口的商品和服务之差3.The official settlements balance:The bookkeeping offset to the balance of official reserve transactions官方结算余额:把用来抵消官方储备交易余额的登录,称为官方结算余额4. National saving (S): The portion of output (Y), that is not devoted to household consumption (C),or government purchases (G). 国民储备:是国民收入(Y)中没有用于家庭消费(C)或政府购买(G)的部分5. Appreciation is an increase in the value of a currency relative to another currency. 升值:即以一种货币计价的另一种货币价格上升6. Exchange rate: The price of one currency in terms of another is called an exchange rate.汇率:用一种货币去替换另外一种货币的价格7. The real rate of return: The rate of return computed by measuring asset values in terms of some broad representative of products that savers regularly purchase.实际收益率:即用一些具有广泛代表性的、储蓄者经常购买的商品作为标准来计量资产价值进而计算出的收益率8. Forward exchange rates: The exchange ratesquoted in the transactions which we can specify a value date to exchange in the future.远期汇率:外汇交易有时可以指定在未来一个时间上交割。这一时间可以长达30天,90天,180天升值数年,这种交易中所报的汇价称为远期汇率9. Spot Exchange rates: The exchange rates governingsuch on-the-spot trading are called spot exchange rates即期汇率:我们前面所讨论的外汇交易都是即期的:交易双方同意交换英航存款,并立即交割,这种即期交易的汇率被称为即期汇率,这是发生的交易被称为即期交易10. Interest parity condition: The condition that the expected returns on deposits of any two currencies are equal when measured in the same currency is called the interest parity condition. 利率平价条件:用相同货币衡量的任意两种货币存款的预期收益率相等的条件11. Vehicle currency: Because of its pivotal role in so many foreign exchange deals, the dollar i


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