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经济的各种英文形式: Economy 经济,名词, 欧洲经济---- European Economy. Economist 经济学家,名词 吴敬琏是我国著名的当代经济学家之一。 Wu Jinglian is one of the famous contemporary economists in China. Economics 经济学,名词 我的专业是经济学/ 经济学院 My major is economics. School of economics. Economic 经济的,形容词 经济萧条 economic depression Economical 形容词,经济的,节省的, 我上个星期买的车既经济又实用 The car I bought last week is economical and practical. Economize- 动词,节省 航公公司决定通过节省燃油消费降低成本 The airline decided to reduce costs by economizing on fuel consumption 节省时间[精力、金钱] Economize time [energy, money] 他上学搭公共汽车而不坐出租汽车, 以节省钱。 He economized by taking bus instead of taking a taxi every time he went to school. The members work toward a common objective. They discuss roles and allocate them to team members. They cooperate fully with each other. They help individuals develop within the team. The members trust each other. Everyone makes an equal contribution to the team. The members share information effectively within the team. They listen to different points of view. They talk openly and honestly within the team. When people are under pressure, others offer help. After-class assignment: practice all the dialogues with partners, pay attention to role play, translate all the dialogues into English. keep in mind all the new words and expressions Assignment for self-study: 自学15课, 要求会背会写所有单词,能够熟练翻译所有文章段落。 自学机场,饭店,宾馆常用语。 机场:航班,起飞抵达时间,世界著名空港, 饭店:中西餐点餐,解释菜单 宾馆:入住、离店,酒店设施,房间类型等 topic for oral practice: What makes a good team? Please lists some characteristics of a good team? Writing: write a composition of 200-300 words with the title “Is may class a good team or not? Why?”


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