大学思辨英语精读备课Unit 5.docx

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大学思辨英语精读备课Unit 5

Unit 5 Knowledge and IgnoranceWords and phrases expected of students to understandpalpitatefive days straight wiggleleaf v. prop up on pillows/against the wallDawn broke on the doctor’s facerule outsocial milieuin a huddlea suggestion of…I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.in due coursePreparatory Work(1)SymptomCheckupDiagnosisClinicOthercough (咳嗽)prolonged emptying time (排空时间过长)have an orthodiagram(拍X线片—注:平常人不这么说,就是take an X-ray)have an EKG(做心电图)have a Fluoroaortogram (做主动脉造影)functional (功能性的)vascular (血管的)hypertensive (高血压的)pylorospasm (幽门痉挛)cardiomegaly (心脏肥大症)minimal left ventricular hypertrophy (微小左心室肥厚)peripheral vascular spasticity (周围血管痉挛)Gastroenterology消化科Neorology( 神经病学)Neuropsychology (神经心理学)rheumatology (风湿病学)AMA (美国医药协会)Gastro-Intestinal(胃肠道的)aortic valve (主动脉瓣)the great arteries (主动脉)peripheral capillary bed (周围毛细血管床)rheumatologist (风湿病医生)tubular function (肾小管功能)filtration fraction (滤过分数)The following are just for your referenceThe Inadequencies of Modern Orthodiagramatic Techniques in Demonstrating Minimal Left Ventricular Hypertrophy 当代影像技术在显示微小左心室肥厚方面的不足之处the Diagnostic Clinic (诊断科) vs. the Therapeutic Clinic (治疗科) vs. the Functional Clinic(功能科)//Mitral Valve Clinic (二尖瓣科) vs. Aortic Valve Clinic (主动脉瓣科) (allthe clinics are made up for satirical effect)psychoneuroticist神经心理医生(a made-up word, possibly coined from Psychoneurosis 精神神经病 or Neuropsychology 神经心理学)psychosociologist社会心理医生(a made-up word; psycho+ sociologist)pituitary osmoreceptorologist渗透压感受器专家??(a word possibly coined from pituitary osmoreceptor渗透压感受器)(2)The story was published in 1963, and in the story a doctor says it’s 1972, which means that the story has a futuristic setting. It’s not a typical science fiction as I understand the term, for science fiction, though hard to define, usually involves wilderimaginativeconceptssuch asfuturisticscienceandtechnology,space travel,time travel,parallel universesandextraterrestrial life.Yet it may be viewed as a story of science


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