8A M2U5 Exercise 1副本.doc

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8A M2U5 Exercise 1副本

8AUnit 5 Look it up Notes and Key points I. 词组 Reading 词组 1. look it up查一查 2. buy her an encyclopaedia 给她买一本百科全书 3. live on the Earth 生活在地球上 4. over sixty million years ago 六千多万年前 5. a long time before people existed 比人类存在的时间早得多 6. live everywhere 生活在每个地方 7. as small as chickens 像小鸡一样小 8. as big as ten elephants 像大象一样大 9. as gentle as sheep 像绵羊一样温柔 10. fiercer than tigers 比老虎凶猛 11. know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind从恐龙留下的骨骼、蛋和脚印来了解它们的生活 12. a famous thinker 一位著名的思想家 13. live in Greece 住在希腊 14. own as few things as possible 拥有尽可能少的东西 15. all he owned 他所拥有的全部 16.see a boy drinking water from his hands by a fountai看到一个男孩在泉水边用双手取水喝 17. throw away his cup 扔了他的杯子 18. become even happier 变得更为快乐了 19. a famous amusement park 一个著名的游乐园 20. created by Walt Disney 由华特·迪士尼创立 21. be famous for his cartoon characters 因他的卡通人物而出名 22. sell newspapers and deliver mail 卖报纸送信 23. draw cartoons for films 为电影画漫画 24. sit on Disney’s desk 坐在迪士尼的桌上 25. become rich and famous 变得富有而出名 Listening 1. the capital of China for many dynasties中国很多朝代的首都 2. many places of interest名胜古迹 3. show its long history展示它的悠长历史 4. Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum中山陵 5. a great pioneer in China’s history 中国历史的一位先锋人物 6. help turn China into a new country 帮助中国变成一个新的国家 7. build a mausoleum for him 为他建一座陵墓 8. over eighty thousand square metres in size 尺寸超过8万平方米 9. have a large forest and some beautiful buildings拥有一个大的树林和一些美丽的建筑 10. look after the mausoleum very well 很好地照看陵墓 11. spend 1.2 million yuan repairing the roofs and walls of the buildings花费一百二十万元修理建筑的屋顶和墙面 12. pay an entrance fee 付门票费 13. take a cable car up the mountain 坐缆车到山顶 More practice 1. the giant panda 大熊猫 2. an Asian animal 一种亚洲动物 3. a large, black and white bear-like animal 体型较大、黑白相间、长相似熊 4. live in the bamboo forests of south-western China 生活在中国西南部的竹林中 5. have a chubby white body with black legs 白色的、胖嘟嘟的身体,四肢是黑色的 6. a broad black band across its shoulders 肩上有一条宽宽的黑色斑纹 7. a large round head 一个大大的圆脑袋 8


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