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Unit 14 Drain V.1排空,流光 The swimming pool drains very slow. 2喝干 He drained the glass. N.下水道 We had to ask a plumber to unblock the drain. drain ~from/out of ~ huddle V. 1.挤在一起 We huddle together for warmth. 2.蜷缩 I found him huddle on the floor. N. 挤在一起的人 People stood around in huddle. get into a huddle (with sb.)凑近某人说悄悄话 enfeeble V.使虚弱/衰弱/无力 The over usage of the drugs enfeebled him. The over usage of the drugs made him enfeebled. Rummage V.翻找,乱翻,搜寻 She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys. N.翻箱倒柜的寻找 Have a rummage around in the drawer and see if you can find a pen. Gamble V.1赌博,打击 I gambled all my winnings on the last race. 2以…为赌注 He is gambling his reputation on this deal. N.赌博 She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it. Fumble V.1笨手笨脚做(某事)胡乱摸找(某物) He fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. 2.支支吾吾地说 During the interview, she fumbled helplessly for words. N.乱摸;接球失误 Boast V.自夸 I don’t want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages. n.夸耀(的事)夸口(的话) Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college. Boast about/of sth. Devolve V.1(遗产)传给,移交 His fortune devolved to his son after he died. 2.(职责,责任,权力等)移交 The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities. Devolve sth. to /on/upon sb. pinch V.捏,拧,掐 My sister always pinching me and it really hurts. dumb v.降低…的标准 The BBC denies that its broadcasting has been dumbed down. Crease V.弄皱;起皱纹 Pack your suit carefully so that don’t crease it. A frown creased her forehead. n. 皱纹;皱痕 She smoothed the creases of her shirt. Phrases Wind up:以…告终 He was addicted to drugs and finally wound up in prison. Wind sth. up wind sb. up :惹…的气 Calm down! Can’t you see he’s only winding you up? In accordance with=in line with 与…一致 Edge away=move slowly In the main基本上 See with one’s own eye Place great emphasis on Sit up 熬夜,坐直 Translation I’m not simply talking about shelter from the elements, or three square


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