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与表谢意有关的句型: 1. How time flies! 时间飞逝!/Time is passing so fast! 2. Can you help me with the bag? 你能帮我拿一下这个包吗? 3. Could you spare me a few minutes? 你能为我抽出几分钟时间吗? 4. It’s really kind of you. 你真好!/ You are so nice/ good! 5. It’s so nice of you. 6. Don’t mention it. It was nothing really. 没关系,不用谢。 7. Make yourself at home. My house is always open to you. 请随意些,就像在自己家里一样,我永远欢迎你。 8. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you. 我一直盼着见到你。 9. Why don’t you come and join us for···?为什么不来和我们一起? 10. Would you like to join us? 你能跟我们一块儿吗? 11. Are you free???··?你···有空吗? 12. It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us. 我们很高兴能请到您。 13. Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person.谢谢您亲自来接待我。 14. We are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. 我们很荣幸能有机会再来中国。 道歉和遗憾: 1. There is no need to apologize. Forget it.我不接受你的道歉,忘了他吧。 2. I’m really sorry for``` 3.I hope you will pardon me for ```` 4. I must apologize for``` 5. No, that’s not all your fault. 不,那不完全是你的错。 6. Sorry to be late. 抱歉我迟到了。 7. I’m really sorry to hear that./ I’m really sorry/sad about it. 8. Please forgive me for··· 9. I’m sorry to bother you. 1. Perform: vt. 执行;完成;演奏So, how do you perform this process? 那么,您如何执行该步骤呢? One should always perform what one promises. 一个人应该说到做到。 arrange for安排;安置;安顿;准备 arrange work for sb为某人安排工作 arrange sb for sth为……安排 Ive arranged for a car to pick them up at the airport. 我已准备好一辆车,到机场去接他们。 2. Engage: vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定 vi. 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合 be engaged in 忙于,从事于: be engaged in business忙于工作 be engaged in writing a novel忙于写小说 proprietary /pr?pra??t(?)r?/ n. 所有权;所有人adj. 所有的;专利的;私人拥有的 thereof adv.1. 关于那;其2. 从那里3. 由此;渊源于;因此 They submit only the data model or a portion thereof. 它们只提交数据模型或者其中的一部分。 3. include in 包括在…中 What information should I include in the paper to support my argument? 论文中应该包括哪些材料以支持我的论点? 4. formulate vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达 If a question asks you to take a position on some issue, try to formulate a more nuanced answer. 如果一个问题问你在某些问题中采取什么立场,那么尝试制订更细致


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