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常见的动词和名词语块: look 的常用语块: look up … in查找 look sb. up and down 上下打量look back to/ upon回顾 look upon…as把… 看作look forward to期待 look through浏览; 看穿take a new look呈现新面貌 fear的常用语块: in fear害怕地 (be) in fear of 害怕 for fear of/ that担心 concentrate 的常用语块: concentrate on 专心… concentrate one’s mind on 专心于… 类似的短语语块: fix one’s mind upon focus on put one’s heart into focus one’s mind on surprise常用语块: in surprise惊讶地 to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是be surprise at/to do/that对某事感到惊讶 表示“穿衣”的动作或状态的词和语块 1.表示动作的有: pull on put on dress dress sb 2. 表示状态的有: wear be in be dressed in have … on 常见表“喜欢”的语块和单词 like care for be keen on be fond of take delight in… trouble的常用语块: have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在…有/没有困难 take great trouble to do 不辞辛劳做某事put sb to the trouble of doing …为难某人做某事 make trouble捣乱 be in (great) trouble 惹麻烦;处在困境中help sb. out of trouble 帮某人摆脱困境 end的常用语块: come to an end……结束 put an end to 结束…… on end竖起, 连续 in the end终于; 最后 end up (by) doing…以……结束 make both ends meet收支相抵 表示“导致”、“由…引起”的语块: 1. 导致 cause sth. (to do) result in lead to 2. 由……引起 be caused by result from grow out of lie in 表“全力以赴”的语块: do / try one’s best spare no efforts to do take great pains to do go all out to do do what somebody can (do) to do do all somebody can (do) to do direction常用语块: in (the ) direction of….朝……方向 under the direction of ...在……的指导下 follow the directions照说明去做 far常用语块: far from (being)离……要求相差很远 far from +(a place)距离某地很远 far away遥远 so far 到目前为止; 那么远 as far as sb. knows/sees据某人所知 by far (最高级前,比较级后)起强调作用 distance常用语块: in the distance在远处 from/ at a distance从远处 keep sb. at a distance 于某人保持一定距离It is no distance at all.不远 use常用语块: used to do过去曾经、常做 be used to doing …习惯于…… be used to do被用来做……make good/ full use of充分利用…… come into use开始使用……it is no use doing干……没有用 “出了什么事”的几种不同结构语块 What’s wrong with….? What’s the matter with…? What’s the trouble with…?What happened (to sb.) ? “众所周知”常用表达法: It is known to all that…主语从句,that不能省 As is known to all,定语从句,置于句首 We all know (tha


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