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[英语]中考英语必考短语287条 1.as quickly as possible/as soon as possible尽快地 例:The work must be finished as soon as possible.这项工作必须尽快完成。 ?2.As quickly as she could, Miss Gao got a medicine box.高小姐尽快地拿来了医药箱。 3.一些习惯说法: as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙as cold as ice冰冷as strong as a horse力大如牛 4.as...as.与…一样 no(as)so…as…不如…… 例:He is as tall as Tom.他和汤姆一样高。 5.“as little /much/many/long/wide/high as+数字+名词”表示“少/多达/宽……” 例:It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan.它至少值5万元。 6.As long as只要 例:I can buy it for you as long as you like.只要你喜欢我就把它买给你。 7.agree to 同意(提议、计划、方案、打算、主意)agree with 与.....意见一致,同意某人的简介(意见,观点) agree on关于......达成一致意见。请特别注意句子中它们的搭配: He agreed with my idea/opinion/view/me/my words/what I said. We agree on the plan/on the price. He agreed to my suggestion/decision/terms(条件)/my going there/my. act/what I did. 8 arrive in/at=get to =recah 到达 arrive in到达(大)地点 例:My best friend arrived in Australia last Monday.我最好的朋友上周一到达了澳大利亚。 arrive at到达(小)地点 例:The visitors arrived at the hotel this morning.游客们今天早晨到达了宾馆。 I arrived at my home this morning今天早上我到了我家。 9.Ask sb.to do sth. 让某人做某事 例:My mother asks me to make my bed.我妈妈让我整理床铺。 Ask for 请求,向….要 例:Did you ask for a pay increase?你请求加薪了吗? John went to see Mr. Smith and asked for 8 job in his factory.约翰去找史密斯先生,并要求在他的工厂里找一份工作。 10.Be afraid of (doing)sth害怕会…,顾虑…… Be afraid to do不敢做某事 例:Are you afraid of snakes?你怕蛇吗? He was afraid of losing face.他担心丢面子。 Dont be afraid to ask for help.不要怕请求帮忙。 11.Have been to 曾经去过(某地,现在已回来) 例:My father has been to Dalian.我爸爸去过大连。 Have gone to已经去了某地或正在去的途中 例:Lily has gone to England.莉莉去了英国。 12.A bit 有点儿,一点儿,修饰形容词。副词及动词 例:This book cost a bit much.这本书有点贵。 A bit of一点儿,只能修饰不可数名词 例:have got a bit of news,我得到了一点儿消息。 13.be made of 用…制成(可看出原料) be made from 用…制成(看不出原料) 例:The book is made of paper.书是由纸制成的。 The paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。 14.Be used doing 习惯于 例:He was used staying up late.他习惯于熬夜。 15.Because of 因为,由于 例:Because of illness, the boy did not go to school.因为生病,这个男孩没有去上学。 16.Catch up with sb 赶上,不落在…后面 例: My dear friend


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