Unit 3 Famous Brand Names Teaching plan大学体验英语三.doc

Unit 3 Famous Brand Names Teaching plan大学体验英语三.doc

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Unit 3 Famous Brand Names Teaching plan大学体验英语三

Unit 3 Famous Brand Names Objectives talk about business successes get an idea of the overall organization of both passages learn to use key word and expressions adopt the reading skill Conceptual Meaning while reading learn to develop a paragraph Listen and talk Step1 Greetings and Presentation (10M)(class and individual) 1.?????? How are you doing today? Have you gone shopping recently? 2.?????? What will you put into consideration if you want to buy a thing? 3.?????? Do you think if brand is very important for your choice? 4.?????? Could you list some famous brands ? 5.?????? What is brand? Step 2 Lead-in (Listen and fill in the missing words ) (10M)(class and individual ) 1.?????? Penny wise and pound foolish: 小事聪明,大事糊涂;贪小亏大 2.?????? entrepreneur: 企业家 Step 3 Sample Dialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of Famous Brands(15minutes)(class and pair work) 1. Listen to the dialogue one and get to know the content of the dialogue. Question: (1) What made Li feel puzzled and how did Burns respond? (2) What different opinions did Liu and Burns have towards brand-name items? 2. Read and follow the tape and explain some of the language points (1)??? beyond one’s means: 入不敷出 within one’s means: 量入为出 (2)??? name brands:名牌 (3)??? functional: practical and useful (4)??? stylish: having styles, fashionable (5)??? sturdy: strong and solid 3. Have the students read the dialogue in pairs and choose 3 pairs to act it out Step 4 Communicative task I(15M)(group work) 1.?????? Talking about their favorite drinks and arguing for their preferred brand. 2.?????? work in groups (Row 13, Row 24, Row 5(team 13)) 3.?????? useful phrases 4. Ask 2 groups to come and act out their dialogue Step 5 Sample dialogue 2 Why Piracy Exists (15M) (class and pair work) 1.?????? Listen and answer: Question: What are pirated stuff? Do you think it is fine to buy pirates or fakes? 2.?????? Listen, follow, and explain (1)??? fake: 赝品 (2)??? piracy: 盗版 (3)??? undercut: to offer goods or services at a lower pri


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