C++Primer Plus 第六版课后题第八章.docx

C++Primer Plus 第六版课后题第八章.docx

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1.#includeiostreamusingnamespace std;void printf (constchar * str, int n );int main(){printf (HAPPY);cout endl;printf (HELLO, 0);printf (NO,3);return 0 ;}void printf (constchar * str, int n){staticint num = 0;num ++;if (n == 0 )cout str endl;else{for (int i = 0; i num;i ++)cout str endl;}}2.#includeiostreamusingnamespace std;struct CandyBar{char brand[30];double weight;int calorie;};void set ( CandyBar CB, constchar * b = Millennium Munch , constdouble w = 2.85, constint c = 350);void printf (const CandyBar cb );int main(){CandyBar CB;set (CB);printf(CB);char brand[30];double weight;int calorie;cout Please enter a brand : ;cin.getline(brand, 30);cout Please enter a weight : ;cin weight;cout Please enter a calorie : ;cin calorie;set(CB, brand, weight, calorie);printf (CB);return 0 ;}void set ( CandyBar CB, constchar * b, constdouble w, constint c){strcpy(CB.brand, b);CB.weight = w;CB.calorie = c;}void printf (const CandyBar cb ){cout CandyBars brand : cb.brand endl;cout CandyBars weight : cb.weight endl;cout CandyBars calorie : cb.calorie endl;}3.#includeiostream#includestringusingnamespace std;void toupper(string word);int main(){string words;cout Enter a string (q to quit): ;while( getline(cin, words) words[0] != q){toupper(words);cout words endl; cout Next string (q to quit): ;}if(words[0] = q)cout Bye. endl;return 0 ;}void toupper(string word){for (int i = 0; i word.size(); i++)word[i] = toupper(word[i]);}4.#includeiostream#includestringusingnamespace std;struct stringy{char * str;int ct;};void show(constchar * a1, constint n = 1);void show(const stringy a2, constint n = 1);void set( stringy a3, constchar * p);int main(){stringy beany;char testing[] = Reality isnt what it used to be.;set (beany, testing);show(beany);show(beany, 2);testing[0] = D;testing[1] = u;show(testing);show(testing, 3);show(Done!);return 0 ;}void set( stringy a3, constchar * p){int len = strlen(p);a3.ct = len;a3.str = newchar(len + 1);strcpy(a3.s


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