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1.塔科马大桥的简介塔科马海峡大桥位于美国华盛顿州的塔科马海峡。绰号舞动的格蒂,大桥于1940年7月1日通车,四个月后戏剧性地被微风摧毁,同年11月,在19m/s的低风速下颤振而破坏,震动了世界桥梁界.Tacoma tacoma Narrows bridge is located in the American state of Washington tacoma tacoma Narrows. Nickname dancing getty, the bridge was opened on July 1, 1940, four months after the dramatic breeze destroyed, in November the same year, in 19 m/s flutter under low wind speed and damage, the bridge shook the world2.该桥垮塌过程及原因大桥在1940年6月底建成后不久,人们就发现大桥在微风的吹拂下会出现晃动甚至扭曲变形的情况。因此通车后一直有专业人员进行监测。1940年11月7日上午,7:30测量到风速38英里/小时(约61公里/小时),到了9:30风速达到42英里/小时?(约68公里/小时)。引起大桥波浪形的有节奏的起伏。10:03突然大桥主跨的半跨路面一侧被掀起来,引起侧向激烈的扭动,另半跨随后也跟着扭动。10:30大桥西边半跨大块混凝土开始坠落,11:08大桥最后一部分掉进大海。?Soon the bridge was built at the end of June 1940, it was found that the bridge will be shaking and even distorted the situation in the breeze. Therefore, after the opening has been a professional monitoring The morning of November 7, 1940, 7:30 to measure wind speed of 38 miles per hour (about 61 km / h), the 9:30 winds reach 42 miles per hour (about 68 km / h). Cause the rhythm of the waves of the bridge. 10:03 suddenly the main span of the bridge across the road to the side of the road was lifted up, causing a violent side of the twist, and the other half followed by twisting. 10:30 bridge on the west side of a large block of concrete began to fall, the last part of the 11:08 bridge fell into the sea.事后人们对垮塌的原因分析众说纷纭,其中空气动力学和共振流传最广。共振是驱动力的频率和受迫振动物体的固有频率相同,从而使受迫振动的物体的振幅达到最大。司机在桥上驾车时可以见到另一端的汽车随着桥面的扭动一会儿消失一会儿又出现的奇观。因为这种现象的存在,当地人幽默地将大桥称为“舞动的格蒂”。Later analysis of the cause of the collapse, the most widely spread of aerodynamics and resonance. Resonance is the frequency of the driving force and forced vibration natural frequency of the same object, so that the maximum amplitude of the forced vibration of the object. The driver while driving on the bridge can be seen at the other end of the car as the deck of the twisting moment disappeared appeared. Because of the existence of this phenomenon, the locals in a humorous way to


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