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2015年12月六级翻译作文精准预测信用卡信用卡(credit card)是由银行发行的卡,持卡人可以凭卡赊购(buy on credit) 商品和服务。使用信用卡最大的好处就是能给持卡人带来极大的方便。人们可以使用信用卡赊购他们需要的东西,并在一段时期内付淸欠款,而不必随身携带大量的现金。但如此的便利也带来了一些问题,如恶意透支(malicious overdraft)。还会剌激使用者超前消费,容易产生月光族。在消费的时候,使用信用卡会促使消费者更加冲动地购物,甚至购买一些平时不怎么用的商品。参考译文:A credit card is a card issued by a bank,allowing its holder to buy goods and services on credit.The most obvious advantage of credit card is the huge convenience it brings to card holders.People can use the cards to buy what they want on credit and pay off the debt over a period of time instead of carrying a large sum of cash with them.But such convenience also brings such problems as malicious overdraft and overconsumption which will easily reduce the card users to“moonlightgroup”.Whenshopping,consumers with credit cards will buy goods more impetuously.They will even buy something that is not often used in daily life.中国式婚礼传统的中国婚俗被视为中国传统文化礼仪的基础。通常,婚礼是隆重场合,有很多的礼节。婚礼有八大程序,包括求婚、生辰匹配、合婚(marriage divination),下聘礼(betrothal gifts presenting)、确定婚期、置办嫁妆(dowry urging)、迎娶新娘、举行正式的结婚仪式。在中国传统的婚礼中,新娘由新郎牵着。她头顶红盖头,全程都垂在肩上。传统的中国婚俗已经实行了几千年。它们可能会因时间和地点而异,但在中国人的生活中一直占据着重要地位,对中国人的生活方式产生着深远的影响。参考译文:Traditional Chinese wedding customs are considered as the foundation of rites in traditional Chinese culture.A wedding is usually a grand occasion with so many formalities.There are eight major procedures of a wedding,including proposal making,birthdaymatching,marriagedivination,betrothal gifts presenting,wedding date fixing,dowryurging,welcoming the bride to the wedding and performing the formal wedding ceremony.During the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony,the bride is led by her groom.Her head is covered by a red veil which is Ming down to her shoulder during the whole period.Traditional Chinese wedding customs have been running for thousands of years.They may vary from place to place and from time to time,but they have been holding an important position in the life of Chinese people,having a far-reaching impact on Chinese peoples lifesty


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