Book 3 Unit 1 Cultural relics 词汇.doc

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Book 3 Unit 1 Cultural relics 词汇

Vocabulary导学案 1. survive vi. 幸免;生还;幸存 vt. 经历……而幸存;比……活的时间长 survive sth. 在……中幸存/幸免 survive on sth. 靠……生存(意思等同于live on sth.) survival n. 生存;幸存 survivor n. 幸存者;残存物 2. in search of 寻找 search sb. / sth. 搜身/搜查某处所 search for sb. / sth. 寻找某人/某物 3. amaze vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 be amazed at/by… 对……大为惊奇 in amazement 惊奇地 to one’s amazement 令人惊奇的是 4. design n. 设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思 by design = on purpose 有意地,故意地 by accident = by chance 意外地be designed to do... 目的是做……;被打算做…… be designed for... 为……而打算/设计 5. fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的 vt. 想象;设想;爱好 n. 想象力;幻想力 have a fancy for 爱好;迷恋 fancy sb. (to be)…/as… 认为某人是… fancy (one’s) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事 6. decorate v. 装饰;装修 decoration n. 装饰物;装饰 decorate sth. with… = sth. be decorated with… 用……来装饰、装修 7. belong to vt. 是……的成员;是……中的一部分belong to 属于 belong to不用于进行时态和被动语态中。 to为介词, 其后接代词, 名词类短语及从句, 表示所归属的对象。 belongings n. 财产,所有物;行李 8. at war 处于交战状态 介词+名词 (表状态) at peace/rest/work/home/table on show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watch in trouble/danger/battle/doubt under repair/discussion/construction 9. remove vt. 移动;搬开 remove…from…免职;开除;除掉;拿走 remove from… to… 从……迁移到…… 10. less than 少于 more than 多于;不仅仅是 other than 除了 rather than而不是 11. doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt. 怀疑;不信 in doubt 怀疑;拿不定主意 no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地;必定;当然 There is no doubt about/that... 毫无疑问…… 12. worth be worth+n. 当名词为金钱时,表示“……值……钱” be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 be worthy of+n. 当名词为抽象名词时, 表示 “……值得……” be worthy to be/of being done 某事值得被做 13. apart adv. 分离地;分别地 take apart 拆开;拆卸 apart from 除……之外 fall apart 崩溃;破裂 14. think highly of 看重;器重;高度评价 = think much/well of… think ill/poorly/badly of 认为……不好 think nothing of… 认为……没什么 speak highly of 高度赞扬 基础测评 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. While all his classmates left, he still r ______ in the dark room. 2. Tom s ______ his friend by 10 years after the war. 3. You can see the edition is well d ______ and all the articles are well written. 4. I


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