我的尝试教学设计Unit 2 Traveling Around the World.doc

我的尝试教学设计Unit 2 Traveling Around the World.doc

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教学设计 Unit 2 Traveling Around the World 教材教学内容整体分析: (一)认知教材内容 1. 本课为游记散文,着重描写旅游者心理活动的变化。 授课时可以围绕“环球旅游”这一主题,让学生根据世界地图自行设计旅游线路和目的地,并讨论去国外旅游应做好哪些方面的准备。也可以结合实际生活中“国内旅游”的话题,鼓励学生回想自己的旅游经历,向大家讲述自己的旅游故事。还可以激发学生的想象力,比较“环球旅游”和“国内旅游”的异同。 2. 外语课堂活动的设计和实施 围绕话题“世界旅游”,设计一个小竞赛。教师说出国家或城市名,学生列举出该国家或城市的旅游胜地。也可以让学生在课余自己查找资料,在课堂上分享有关世界名胜的知识。或者针对某一特定的主题,如“世界自然遗产”,激发学生课后学习的兴趣。 3. 本课涉及的语法现象是表语从句。 授课时,教师可以先帮助学生复习系动词和表语,加强学生对表语的理解,然后逐步过渡到表语从句。为了及时巩固语法点知识,可以让学生在课后从学过的课文中查找含有名词性从句特别是表语从句的复合句。 (二)教学内容把握(教学目标) 1. 把握全篇课文内容,理解作者的写作意图。 2. 学会描述一段旅游经历,学会描写旅途中的心理感受。培养了解世界各地旅游胜地的兴趣。 3. 学习表语从句,了解表语从句的构成、意义,学会辨认,并会区别主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句。会将含有表语从句的复合句翻译成汉语,会用表语从句翻译简单的汉语。 Lesson plan Time:Jan 2nd ,2011 Presented by:Tan min ※※High school Class:※※※※※※※ High school Content: Unit 2(New century English)The Sydney Harbour Bridge Teaching Objectives: 1. of knowledge (1) learn the new words and expressions, esp. some important words and know how to use them (2) learn the text and the additional reading material (3) to learn the usage of perfect form of the Gerund 2. of ability 1) to share the travel experience with your classmates 2) to listen for (用心倾听)information about traveling 3) to recommend a place of interest(名胜) abroad that is well worth visiting 3. of emotion, attitude and sense of value 1) to foster the awareness of the world 2) to inspire the students’ craving for expanding the knowledge of other countries and understanding different cultures Functions: 1)Describing the scene(描述风景) 2) Planning a trip abroad Destination Time Transportation Passport Accommodation Equipment Expectation / Aim Cultural study Important and difficult points: 1. the usage of words like:locate/spot/instant/unique/fiercely/approach/direction 2. phrases like: speed by/come into view/a bird’s eye view/ in all directions Aim of the lesson: Reading Teaching Aids:PPT,pictures,blackboard,Flashcards Druation:45mins Teaching Procedure: Period 1 Lead-in I.Lead-in and Contextulization (8mins) Greeti


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