江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit1 Building the future The usage of the new words教案.doc

江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit1 Building the future The usage of the new words教案.doc

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江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit1 Building the future The usage of the new words教案

Module 10 Unit 1: Building the future The usage of the new words 【Teaching Aims】 1. Introduce some usage of the new words in this unit. 2. Help the Ss to remember some key words and their usage. 【Teaching Difficult Points】 The usage of some key words : gravity dilemma permanent repay deposit 【Teaching Important Points】 The usage of some key words: gravity dilemma permanent repay deposit 【Teaching Aids】The blackboard 1. gravity n. 严重性;重力;地球引力 Newton’s law of gravity 牛顿万有引力定律 I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation. 我认为你没有意识到形势的严重性。 2. headline n. (报纸的)大字标题 headline news 头条新闻 The scandal was in the headlines for several days. 这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。 hit/make the headlines(必须用复数):成为重要新闻 Such disasters as air crashes, earthquakes and blood-shed conflicts make the headlines in our life. 空难、地震和地区冲突等灾难常常 成为我们生活中的头条新闻。 deadline 截止日期 meet the deadline put (great) pressure on somebody (to do something) 促使;强迫;劝说;给某人施加压力做某事,迫使某人做某事 Industrial development has put (great) pressure on the environment. 工业发展已给环境带来了(巨大的)压力。 Their parents were putting pressure on them to get married. 他们的父母正对他们施加压力,要求他们结婚。 拓展:under (great) pressure from 在来自……的压力下 pressure sb. into doing sth. 迫使某人做某事 4. wrestle vi. 奋力对付;努力处理;全力解决;摔跤 wrestle with sb. Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。 wrestle with sth. She had spent the whole weekend wrestling with the problem. 她整个周末都在绞尽脑汁处理这个问题。 dilemma(进退两难的)窘境、困境 She was in a dilemma as to go or stay. They saw these questions as posing a problem, not a dilemma. 6. beyond doubt 毫无疑问 beyond doubt = without doubt He is without/beyond doubt the cleverest student I’ve ever taught. 他确实是我所教过的学生中最聪明的。 She is without/beyond doubt a great musician. 拓展:I don’t doubt that … 我不怀疑…… I doubt whether/if … 我怀疑是否…… I have no doubt that … 我不怀疑…… I have some doubt whether … 我怀疑是否…… There is no doubt about … 毫无疑问…… that-clause no doubt 无疑,很可能 No doubt she’ll cal


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