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英语写作核心短语 可能性,可行性(feasibility) not necessarily 未必,不一定 This claim is not necessarily true. 物质上的舒适不一定会带来幸福感。… is feasible 可行的 To build a bridge there is feasible. 这个计划理论上可行但不现实。 唯一性与普遍性(uniqueness omnipresence) unique 独一无二的;独特的 Every individual is unique. 他在英国文学史上有着独一无二的地位。omnipresent 无处不在的 This problem is omnipresent when the first edition of this book was published. 抠脚丫(Foot scratching)在任何国家都是一个很普遍的现象。the proliferation of sth ……的普遍存在……的扩散 核武器的扩散、英语的广泛流行be/run rampant ……泛滥,猖獗 Hegemony will continue to run rampant around the world.be inundated with 充斥着,到处都是 这座城市到处都是疾病和暴力。 关注度(attention) draw/elicit sb’s attention / concern 引起某人的关注/担忧 Global warming is drawing increasing concerns. 难民(refugee)数量的不断增加已经引起了国际社会的关注。heed sth; pay heed to sth 注意,关注 = pay attention to Only one who pays no heed to wealth can be regarded as a god. 我警告过他很多次了,但是他就是不听。lay/ place emphasis on sth; attach importance to sth 强调,重视 He lays too much emphasis on some inconsequential matters. 他们对教育很重视,并鼓励学生不断学习和思考。 be ignorant of 不知道,没有认识到 You’re ignorant of the responsibilities you should assume in marriage. 不识大体(major principles)的人就必然斤斤计较个人得失。concerning; as regards 关于 various questions concerning pollution and the environment It needs further discussion as regards how to revise the play. 障碍;阻力(impediment, hindrance) hinder; impede 阻碍,妨碍 Downhearted mind impedes progress. 你不能阻挡我做我已经决定(resolve on sth)了的事。 人类已经无法阻挡某些脑残的(brain-damaged)粉丝歇斯底里的行为了。 比较;对比(comparison contrast) no more … than 两者都不 = neither … nor no less… than 两者都 = both … and He is no more a writer than a painter. I know no more French than I know Greek. Your brother is no less wise than you. 玛丽和乔治工作都不努力。 海豚和狗都是聪明的动物。not so much … as … 与其说是……,倒不如说是…… Success lies not so much in luck as in hard work 我躺下来与其说是睡觉,倒不如说是在思考。 与其说他是一个作家,倒不如说他是一个记者。 拥有,存在(existence) bear 具有(抽象的品质) The two countries bear some similarities to each other. The professor bears a high reputation.boast 拥有(值得骄傲的事物) This city boasts a time-honoured history of


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