国际公关公司客户策略Client Brief.doc

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国际公关公司客户策略Client Brief

Client Brief客户概略 Client 客户 Job Code 工作代码 Date 日期 Assignment 任务 Client Team 客户团队 1. What is the Business Result? What’s the client ultimately trying to achieve? 商业目标是什么?客户最终想要得到什么? The specific and measurable goal the client is trying to achieve from a business perspective. 从商业角度来看,客户想达到具体和可衡量的目标。 2. What is the role communications should play to help the client achieve its Business Result? 在帮助客户实现商业目标的过程中,传播应该起到一个什么作用呢? This statement – and yes, one sentence will usually do – should be measurable, specific and concise. 一句话可以概括,那就是可衡量的,具体的,简明扼要的。 3. What are the communications issues standing in the way of the Business Result? 什么样的公共关系议题阻碍商业实现目标? These should be prioritized issues that communications – and B-M – can impact. To help identify the specific issues, use a Force Field Analysis, which can be found on InfoDesk. 沟通影响力是应该优先考虑的问题。可以用力场分析去帮助明确具体的问题。 4. What is the most important general message this campaign should deliver; e.g., a specific value proposition, a differentiated platform, a key benefit or news hook? 传播活动所要传达的最重要的信息是什么?例如,一个特定的价值主张,一个差异化的平台,一个至关重要的利益点或引人关注的新闻? Define the client’s critical message or chief differentiator if they only had 15 seconds with the target audience. 如果他们只有15秒与目标受众交流的时间,那么首先确定客户的关键信息或者是主要的区别点。 5. Who is the primary target audience(s) that will help the client achieve its Business Result? 谁是主要的目标群体可以帮助客户达到商业目标? Include any specific demographics and psychographics about the target audience. 包括具体有关目标受众的人口统计数据和心理信息。 6. What does the primary target audience think, believe or understand currently? 主要目标群体通常在想什么,相信什么? Write this statement in first person: in other words, bring the target audience to life. 以第一人称作陈述:换言之,把目标受众带到生活中来。 7. Who is the competition? 竞争对手是谁? Outline the other companies – real or perceived – that compete for the target audience’s share of mind. 略述其他的公司-实际或预计-与其竞争目标受众的份额。 8. What are the opportunities to leverage, especially those which differentiate the client from its competition? 机遇是什么?特


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