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1Which one is not true for sternal angle? A、It is also termed Louis angle. B、It is formed by the protrusion of the conjunction composed of sternum and manabrium sterni. C、It acts as an important landmark for counting rib(parallel to third rib) and interspace. D、It indicates the bifurcation of the trachea, the upper level of the atria of heart, the demarcation of upper and lower part of mediastinum(纵隔), and the fifth thoracicvertebra as well. 正确答案: C 2The depressed region above the clavicle, which corresponds to theupper part of each lung apex, is called( ). A、Suprasternal fossa B、Supraclavicular fossa C、Infraclavicular fossa D、Suprascapular region 正确答案: B 3Barrel chest is often seen in ( ). A、tuberculosis B、emphysema C、chronic hectic disease D、pneumonia 正确答案: B 4Deep slow breathing(Kussmaul’s respiration) is typical of ( ). A、alkalosis B、acidosis C、hypernatremia D、hyponatremia 正确答案: B 5Which of the following iswrong for the lower boundary of lung? A、the anterior part which beginsfrom the sixth rib B、at the level of the sixth interspace along the midclavicuar line C、at the level of the eighth interspace along the midaxillary line D、the posterior part of the lower boundary that approaches horizontal line at the ninth rib level by theinferior angle line 正确答案: D 6Which of the following is incorrect? A、Tidal breathing is alsocalled cheyne-stokes respiration. B、Cheyne-stokes respirationwaxes and wanes cyclically so that periods of deep breathing alternate withperiods of apnea (no breathing).. C、Intermittent breathing ischaracterized by unpredictable irregularity. Breaths may be shallow or deep,and stop for short periods. D、Intermittent breathing is less severe than the tidal breathing 正确答案: D 7Fremitus() is decreased or absent in the following conditions EXCEPT( ). A、obstructed bronchus orchronic obstructive pulmonary disease. B、pleural effusion C、pneumonia D、fibrosis 正确答案: C 8Which one is not true for bronchialbreathing? A、Bronchial breath sounds are in


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