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Unit 1 Friendship I. Words and Phrases 1. Are you good to your friends? 你对你的朋友好吗? be good to=be kind to:对......友善 (opp.) be bad to eg: Thought he looks cold, in fact, he is always good to others. 尽管他看起来冷淡,但实际上他一向对人友善。 拓展: ⑴.be good at sth./doing sth. 擅长于(做)...... ⑵.be good for 对......有好处/有益 (opp.) be bad for ★ ⑶.do good(n.) to 给......带来好处或益处 eg: Eat more fruit, and it will do good to you. 多吃水果,那会使你受益。 (opp.) do harm to 2. Make the following survey. ‵survey (n.) 调查,测验;民意调查,民意测验 eg: ①.The school carried out a survey to find who is the most popular among students. 学校进行了一次调查,看看谁在学生中最受欢迎。 ②.In order to know what the people need most, the government has done many surveys. 为了弄清楚人们最迫切的需要,政府进行了多次民意测验。 sur‵vey (v.) 调查,测验;进行民意调查,进行民意测验 eg: We surveyed 500 smokers and found over three quarters would like to give up. 我们对500个吸烟者进行了调查,发现四分之三的人想要戒烟。 3. Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的分数加起来,看看你能得多少分。 add (vt.) 增加;添加;补充说 (vi.) 加,加起来;增添 eg: The visiting leader expressed his satisfaction(满意) with these talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.来访的领导表达了对这几次会议的满意,并补充说他很喜欢呆在这里。 add up sth.=add sth. up(vt.) 把......加起来;合计 eg: ①.Add up these numbers and you will get 100. 把这些数字加起来,你就能得到100。 ②.Please add all the money up. 请把所有的钱加起来。 add up(vi.) 算总数,做加法 eg: ①.The waiter can’t add up. 这个服务员不会算帐。 ②.Her seven-year-old son can’t add up properly. 她七岁的儿子不会做加法。 拓展:★⑴.add up to 合计达......,共计 eg: ①.His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他所受的全部学校教育加起来只不过一年。 ②.The students in the school add up to 3000. 在校学生共计3000。 ★⑵.add to 增加,增添 eg: ①.The bad weather added to our difficulty. 恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。 ②.This garden will add to the beauty of our school.这座花园将为我们 学校增添美丽。 add sth. to… 把......加到.....上/里 eg: ①.please add my name to the list. 请把我的名字加到名单上。


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