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2014经典演讲之英国女王圣诞致辞(双语)  In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other. The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband。  在考文垂大教堂的废墟中,竖立着一座男女拥抱在一起的雕像。这座雕像的灵感来源于一位女性。二战结束后,她走遍欧洲寻找自己失去音讯的丈夫。  Casts of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation。  同样的雕像也竖立在贝尔法斯特和柏林,这座雕像叫做“和解”。  Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of the First World War came together to remember in peace。  “和解”就是和平地结束冲突。今年八月,我们再一次回想起和解的重要。一百年前一战敌对双方的国家走到一起,共同纪念和平。  The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind。  伦敦塔前种下了数十万陶瓷罂粟花。当人们看到它们,从花朵中穿行之时,唯一可能的反应就是沉默。每一朵罂粟花代表着一个生命,代表着活着的人对一战中丧生的亲人的哀思。  No one who fought in that war is still alive, but we remember their sacrifice and indeed the sacrifice of all those in the armed forces who serve and protect us today。  所有当年参战的士兵都已不在人世,但是我们依然铭记他们的牺牲以及所有今天正在服役并保护我们的军人。  In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by then the trenches were dug and the future shape of the war in Europe was set。  1914年,很多人都认为战争能够在圣诞节前结束。但不幸的是,纵横交错的战壕被挖掘出来,残酷的现代欧洲战争的雏形形成了。  在非正式休战期间,德英两方军队于无人地带会面。  But, as we know, something remarkable did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today。  但是,我们知道,就在一百年前的今天发生了值得铭记的一幕:  Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Mans Land. Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce。  没有收到任何命令,士兵们主动停止了射击。德国和英国士兵走出战壕,在两军之间的交战地带相聚。照片拍下了他们互赠礼物的一幕。这就是1914年的圣诞休战。  Truces are not a new idea. In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold。  休战并不是一个新概念。


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