新概念二 Lesson 5 备课笔记.doc

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新概念二 Lesson 5 备课笔记

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 【New words and expressions】生词和短语(7) pigeon n. 鸽子 message n. 信息 cover v. 越过 distance n. 距离 request n. 要求,请求 spare part 备件 service n. 业务,服务 ★pigeon n. 鸽子 Its not my pigeon. =None of my business. 不关我的事。 ★message n. (口头或书面的)信息 Here is a message for you from your sister. an oral/written message 口信/便条 leave sb. a message 给……留便条 Ill leave you a message. take a message for sb. 替某人捎口信 Can I take a message for you? 我能替你捎个口信吗? Can you take a message for me? 你能替我捎个口信吗? take a message to sb. 给某人口信 打电话: Hello!--?May I have a word with Tom ?/May I speak with/to Tom? --?Can you take a message for me? information n. 信息(不可数) messenger n. 送信人,信使 ★cover v. 越过;覆盖 ① vt. 盖,覆盖 Snow covered the whole village. She covered the child with a coat. 她给孩子盖了件外衣。 ② vt. 行过(一段距离),走过(通常不用被动语态) cover+距离越过…… You can cover the distance to the museum in ten minutes. ③ n. 覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子 Put a cover on the box! ★distance n. 距离 keep distance 保持距离 distant adj.远距离的 Can I share this table? Can I join you? importance n. 重要 important adj. 重要的 difference n. 不同different adj. 不同的 ★request n. 要求, 请求 ① n. request for 对……有请求, 有需求 I have a request for the cake. He granted my request for more time. 他同意了我延长时间的请求。 She sent a request for help to Gary. 她向加里请求帮助。 ② v. 要求, 请求 request sb.to do sth. =ask sb.to do sth. 要求某人做…… require sb.to do sth. 要求某人做…… You are required/asked to do sth. (对人要求习惯用被动语态) ★spare adj. 备用的 ① vt. 抽出(时间等),让给 Have you got five minutes to spare? I cannot spare the time. I have no time to spare. ② vt. 饶恕,赦免 The robbers spared his life. ‘Share me!’begged the prisoner. ③ adj. 多余的,空闲的,剩下的,备用的 You can sleep in the spare bedroom. Where can I get spare parts for this machine? I have no spare time now. ‘Have you any old clothes that you do not want?’ he asked. =‘Have you any old clothes to spare?’he asked. ★service n. 业务, 服务 service 作为不可数名词时通常用于表示旅馆、餐馆以及商店等对旅客、顾客等的侍候、接待或服务; 作为可数名词时可以表示为帮助他人所采取的行动或所做的工作。 The service in that hotel is quite good. You have done me a great service. service既可以指公


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