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Lesson 1 A private conversation Last week I went to the theatre, I had a very good seat, The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round, I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again, ’I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.‘It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’Key words and expressionsPrivate conversation go to the theatre talk loudly angry/angrily Turn round pay attention bear none of your business rudely Questions on the text1). Where did the writer go last week?2). Why didn’t he enjoy the play? 3). What did the young man say to the writer? 3. Language points 1). Last week I went to the theatre. go to the cinema/show go to the bank/post office 2). I did not enjoy it(the play). I did not enjoy the meal/book. 3). I got very angry. (get---变得) The food is getting cold. 4). I could not hear the actors. (hear sb. 听见某人说什么话) Do you hear me? He’s not listening to me. (listen to sb. 强调听动作本身) 5). I looked at the young man and the young woman angrily. ( look at 强调的是动作(看)) Did you see Sam yesterday? ---- (see 看见) She’s watching TV ------ watch 观看要用watch 6). They did not pay any attention (to me). Please pay attention to that picture on the wall. 7). In the end, I could not bear it. in the end = at last bear: stand Key structures and usage 一般过去时 过去进行时I had a very good seat. || A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.The play was very interesting. || They were talking loudly. They did not pay any attention.I could not hear the actors.Lesson 2 breakfast o lunch ? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very la


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