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大学英语写作:遣词、造句、谋篇 一、遣词 选词要具体 good—kind, friendly, generous, just, warmhearted, selfless, brave, honest, skillful, competent, qualified, colorful, interesting, informative, instructive, beautiful, delicious, nourishing, fresh, wholesome, effective, efficient. water—current, flood, wave, spring, fountain, crops—wheat, rice, maize, barley, beans, cotton move—walk, march, run, jump (into the flood), climb, fly see—gaze, peep, glance, stare, spot, sight, scan, witness, eye, observe, peer, gape sports—race, game, soccer, basket-ball, swimming, boxing, gymnastics, calisthenics laugh—smile, grin, beam, giggle, snigger, chuckle, (以上各组词的第一个词义比较宽泛笼统,而破折号后面的词语比较具体。) 谨防Chinglish You must work hard to learn / study more knowledge at college. (acquire / obtain / enlarge / accumulate / have a good command of) He has a lot of vocabulary. (He has a large vocabulary.) You had better take the nearest way. (You had better to take the shortest way.) Cf. the newest news (the latest news) When he was at school, he won first reward for good behavior. ( reward: prize) The Chinese people often respect cigarettes when they meet. (respect: offer) In my childhood, when I did something wrong, my mother never hit me. (hit: beat) When the teacher was giving lectures, I simply wanted to sleep. (sleep: doze off / Cf. When the teacher was giving lectures, I could not help dozing off.) He remained alive after experiencing the car accident. (cf. He survived the car accident.) Since the boy is growing up quickly, this suit now becomes too small for the boy. (cf. The boy has outgrown this suit.) He is as strong as an ox. (ox: horse。) I’m determined to raise the level of English knowledge. (cf. I’m determined to improve my English.) The knowledge sea is broad and deep. (The sea of knowledge is broad and deep.) Science serves for the people. (Science serves the people.) We suspect that he is a good man. (We doubt whether he is a good man.) Gradually the sound of footsteps disappeared. (Graduall


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