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中考易混词梳理 1.alone(独自地) lonely(孤独的) My grandmother lives ______., she feels very______. 2.along(沿着,跟随) alone(独自地) I like music that I can sing ____ with. I don’t like being _____. 3.abroad?国外?aboard?上(船,飞机) she went ______ on ______ last year 4.alive(活着的) lively(生机勃勃的) Though Lei Feng was dead, he is still_____ in our heart. Shang Hai is one of the______ cities in the world 5.affect(影响 v) effect(影响.结果 n) The bad weather ______everybody’s feeling. Did the medicine have any_____? 6.angle(角度) angel(天使) Her smile reminds me of an_____. 7.age (年龄) ago(以前) At the ____of four ,I could write and read. He married three years___. 8.ant (蚂蚁)aunt(姨,姑、婶) 9.again 再,又 against 反对 10.bother(v.打扰) brother(兄弟n) Don’t ______ your elder ______.He is working. 11.bald(秃的) bold(大胆的) He is so ____that he often offends his teacher. He is _____ 12.beside (旁边.prep) besides(除之外还有.prep) There is a shop ____ my house. What did you buy ____ these books? 13.beer (啤酒) bear(熊) A big ____ is coming this way. 14.begin (开始) beg(乞求) He often_____for money from his uncle 15.boring (无聊的) bring(带来) Don’t ______some ______comic books to the class. 16.bother (打扰) brother(兄弟) Don’t ____your elder brother. He is working 17.bride(新娘) bribe(贿赂) He was put into jail by_____local officiers 18.back(背部,回来) black(黑色的) How soon will she come ____? 19.brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击 I want to have ______ _______like him. It often_____heavily in spring in this area. 20.bed 床 bad 坏的 This is a______ ____. 21.below 以下的 elbow肘部 22.blue蓝色的 blew (blow的过去式)吹 23.costume(n.服装) customer(n.顾客)custom习俗 The ______with funny ______ are eating happily. We should know some_______about foreign countries 24.confidant 知己 confident 有信心的 Be _____ in yourself. ?25.crow乌鸦?crown王冠?clown?小丑?cow?牛Young kids like watching_____ do tricks. There used to be many_____ around our city 26.cook (厨师,烹饪) cooker(厨具) The ______likes collecting kinds of______. 27.?clash?(金属)撞击声?crash?碰撞,坠落?crush?压坏 28.compliment(赞美) complement(附加物) 29.confirm(确认) co


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