外刊精读(十二):How Common Is a Gap Year.docx

外刊精读(十二):How Common Is a Gap Year.docx

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外刊精读(十二):How Common Is a Gap Year

How Common Is a Gap Year?空挡年是多么寻常?By Adrienn GreenMalia Obama will attend Harvard, but she’s waiting until her dad’s out of office.【生词】 out of office 卸职【翻译】玛丽亚·奥巴马进入哈佛学习,但她一直在等她的爸爸卸职。 When the Obamas announced Sunday that their eldest daughter, Malia, will attend Harvard University, they also revealed that she will take part in what is becoming an increasingly popular tradition in the United States: the gap year. 【生词】reveal 透露【翻译】奥巴马一家人星期日宣布,他们的大女儿玛丽亚,将进入哈佛大学学习,他们还透露,她将参与美国一个越来越流行的传统:空挡年。 “The President and Mrs. Obama announced today that their daughter Malia will attend Harvard University in the fall of 2017 as a member of the Class of 2021. Malia will take a gap year before beginning school,” the White House said in a statement.【生词】statement 声明【翻译】“奥巴马总统和夫人今天宣布,他们的女儿玛丽亚作为2021班的一员将在2017秋季入学哈佛大学。玛丽亚开学之前有一个空挡年,”白宫在一份声明中说。 After graduating from the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in June, Malia will take advantage of the year-long deferral where many students choose to travel, pursue special projects, or gain work experience. Harvard in particular encourages this practice, and as a result, between 80 and 110 of their students choose to do so each year. While it is unclear exactly what Malia will do during her gap year, the decision to wait until her father leaves office to begin her college education will also likely afford her a less-scrutinized freshman year.【生词】take advantage of 利用...【分析】While it is unclear exactly what Malia will do during her gap years是时间状语,句子的主干是the decision will also likely afford her a less-scrutinized freshman year。to wait until her father leaves office to begin her college education 是后置定语修饰the decision。【翻译】六月从著名的Sidwell Friends School毕业后,玛丽亚将利用长达一年的延期,很多学生在这期间选择去旅游,追求特殊的项目,或获得工作经验。哈佛特别鼓励这种做法,所以,每年有80到110位的学生选择这样做。虽然目前还不清楚究竟玛丽亚在她的空档期会做什么,决定等到她父亲卸职后开始她的大学教育也有可能使她度过稍欠仔细考虑的大一生活。 Gap years have been common in Europe for many years, but they are growing more popular throughout the U.S. While there are no official statistics that track particip


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