The Garden city theory-文稿.docx

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The Garden city theory-文稿

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to have the opportunity to give my presentation here. My name is xxxx, I’m from School of Environment and Planning. My topic will deal with the Garden city movement. I want to share my interesting planning theory with you. The content of my presentation is divided into 4 parts, we can see the structure from the powerpoint clearly. There are three issues to be resolves in my presentation: background, the theory of Garden City, the Comments of Garden City and conclusion.Part one: Background:In 1898, social reformer Ebenezer Howard promulgated a scheme to build new towns rather than add population to the already large cities, called the garden city plan. Inspired by the utopian novel Looking Backward and Henry Georges work Progress and Poverty, Howard published his book Tomorrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform明日﹐一条通向真正改革的和平道路 in 1898 (which was reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of Tomorrow).Part two: the theory of Garden CityThe garden city movement is a method of urban planning that was initiated by Sir Ebenezer Howard in the United Kingdom. Garden cities were intended to be planned, self-contained communities surrounded by greenbelts, containing proportionate成比例的 areas of residences, industry, and agriculture. Garden cities were to be small, thoroughly planned towns, each encircled by an inalienable不能剥夺的 rural estate and interconnected by a rapid transit system of electric railways. The population and area of each settlement would be firmly严格的 controlled. A population of 32,000 was envisaged, with the city proper occupying 1000 acres and the surrounding rural estate 5000 acres [eik?s]. Although of limited size each garden city would be socially and economically balanced, accommodating all classes and providing a range of employment in primary, secondary and tertiary activities. Howard envisaged设想 regional区域的 systems of garden cities, each focused on a larger mother city with a population of perhaps 58,000. a series of


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