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B Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone, not in features but in footsteps. As he grows you also age, and your ambitions become more unachievable. You begin to realize that your boy, in your footsteps, could probably accomplish what you hoped for. But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions. 每个男人都想让他的儿子多少有点方面克隆自己,不是容貌而是他的后尘足迹。当他长大的时候,你在变老,而且你的志向会越来越不可能实现。你开始意识到你的孩子踏着你的足迹可能会实现你所希望完成的事情。但是足迹可能会被搅乱并且他们可能会朝不同的足迹方向进行下去。 My son Jody has hated school since day one in kindergarten. Science projects waited until the last moment. Book reports weren’t written until the final threat. 我的儿子乔迪自从第一天上幼儿园就开始厌学。不到最后一刻不做科技项目,不到最后的危急时刻不去写读书报告。 I’ve been a newspaperman all my adult life. My daughter is a university graduate working toward her master’s degree in English. But Jody? When he entered the tenth grade he became a “vo-tech” student(技校学生). They’re called “motorheads” by the rest of the student body. 我成年的时候一直是一名新闻记者。我的女儿是一名在攻取英语硕士学位的大学生。但是乔迪呢?当他上到十年级的时候,他成为了一名技校学生。他们被其他群体的学生叫做“moterheads”。 When a secretary in my office first called him “motorhead”, I was shocked. “Hey, he’s a good kid,” I wanted to say. “And smart, really.” 当我办公室的一个文书起初叫他“motorhead”的时候,我很震惊。我想说“嘿,他是一个好孩子,并且真的很聪明。” I learned later that motorheads are, indeed, different. They usually have dirty hands and wear dirty work clothes. And they don’t often make school honor rolls(光荣榜).But being the parent of a motorhead is itself an experience in education. We who labor in clean shirts in offices don’t have the abilities that motorheads have. I began to learn this when I had my car crashed. The cost to repair it was estimated at $800. “Hey, I can fix it,” said Jody. I doubted it , but let him go ahead, for I had nothing to lose. 但是作为motorhead的父亲本身就是一种教育过程中的经历。我们没有motorheads的能力,但坐在办公室里穿着干净的衣服工作。我开始认识到当我的车被撞之后,修理的费用被估计要800美金。乔迪说:“嘿。我能修理它。”虽然我怀疑他的能力,但是让他去修了,因为我并没有什么损失。 My son ,with other motorheads, fixed the car. They got parts(零件)from a junkyard,$25 instead of $800. 我的儿子和其他的moto


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