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高中英语必修四试题5模块一、完形填空 What has really changed my life is that now I believe in myself. I came to the United States ten years ago. I would always say that I was trying to to study, but there were always things like work and my kids that would not_1__me to start.Now I realized that those were only__2__. What was stopping me is that I was__3_to start studying again. I always believed I would__4__by myself.One day, __5__my son told me that he was embarrassed because his friends would come over and I didnt_6___them because I didnt speak English. He was also sad___7_I could never help him with his homework. That same day, I__8__myself, “Rocio, you have to start believing in yourself and you will see you can__9__it.” That night I couldnt__10?. I was thinking that now I couldnt__11__my kids down.The next day, I went downtown to look for a big banner in__12__of the school that said that they__13__calsses for adults. I came in to see if I could__14__, but the classes were__15__already.That night I took the kids to the movies, and on the__16__back, I told them we would take a new route. The following Monday, I went to ask for__17__. They told me that summer schools was starting that week.Thats how I started studying English last summer. It is difficult, but I have had great__18__. My daughter had to__19__a story for school. It was about the person they most admired and__20__. She wrote that I was the person she most admired because I had started going to college. I will never forget this. When you believe in yourself, you can do anything.1.A.makeB.forceC.promiseD.allow2.A.reasonsB.excusesC.causesD.explanations3.A.afraidB.readyC.willingD.happy4.A.teachB.directC.learnD.indicate5.A.howeverB.thereforeC.otherwiseD.besides6.A.recognize B.understandC.realizeD.know7.A.thoughB.whileC.becauseD.once8.A.spokeB.saidC.statedD.told9.A.produceB.createC.inventD.make10.A.wakeB.eatC.sleepD.dress11.A.feelB.letC.fallD.drop12.A.frontB.spiteC.middleD.terms13.A.offeredB.formedC.completedD.finished14.A.


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