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教学设计 教学目标分析 1.Knowledge goals: (1). Enable the students to make clear the definition of volunteer. (2). Enable the students to identify the living conditions and teaching conditions of students in PNG. (3). Enable the students to graph the important words and phrases in this reading passage. 2. Ability goals : (1). Students will further improve their ability to summarize the main idea of each paragraph, and also the main idea of the passage (2). Students can improve the students’ reading skill and will further improve their ability to generalize the detailed information from the text to answer questions. 3. Moral goals; (1). Students will have the awareness of the importance to be a volunteer. (2).Students will get a deeper understanding of contributions to society and develop the awareness of the importance of cooperation. 4.Teaching aims: (1). To improve the ability of scanning a text for specific information. (2). To comprehend the passage thoroughly and know about the PNG. (3). To grasp the important language points including words and phrases and put them into practice. 5.Ability aims: (1). To develop reading skills, such as skimming and scanning (2). To grasp the skill of the reading passage 6. Learning methods: (1) Find answers to the questions in the limited time by reading silently or discussing with partners. (2) Put new words and phrases you learned into use by making new sentences or doing some exercises. 7. Teaching methods: Listening; speaking; discussing 8. Teaching aids: Multi-media (video and audio); blackboard 教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:1.如何利用略读、查读等阅读技巧和识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等阅读技巧形成阅读策略。 2.掌握本篇文章中所出现的重点的单词及短语,并学会巩固运用。 教学难点:1. 对全文大意作整体理解 2. 找出各段的主题并归纳出各部分的中心思想,提高运用英语的综合能力 步骤1:Step I : Leading-in 创设情景 导入新课 Let the students enjoy some morals, and get the word “sharing”; then ask them to enjoy some pictures about “volunteer”; at last ask them to understand what is a volunteer ? What is a volunteer? 设计意图:任务型活动:通过欣赏图片让学生明白volu


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