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The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet, which is chiefly made up of meat and potatoes. As it is a country of immigrants, the United States enjoys a wide variety of ethnic food. Most American cities and towns are filled with restaurants which serve international cooking. 现在分词 (the present participle) 一. 构成形式 doing 现在分词表示主动或进行的动作, 起adj. adv.作用 在句子中充当定语,状语,表语,及补足语 二、现在分词的时态和语态 一般式 doing 一般式被动 being dong 完成式 having done 完成式被动语态 having been done 所有否定式都在ing前加 not Logical Subject 分词作状语 分词作状语,能够转换为一个相应的状语从句。 注意: 分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中的主语保持一致。 1.作时间状语 e.g. Walking in the street , I saw him. === When/While I was walking in the street, I saw him. 2.作 条件状语 e.g. Working hard, you will succeed. === If you work hard, you will succeed. 3.作原因 状语 e.g. Being ill, she stayed at home === Because she was ill, she stayed at home. 4.作让步 状语 e.g. Having failed many times, he did not lose heart. === Although he had failed many times, he did not lose heart. 5.作结果 状语 e.g. His friend died, leaving him a lot of money. . 7.作伴随 状语 e.g. They walked into the classroom, laughing and shouting. === They walked into the classroom and they were laughing and shouting. Notes 1. Logical Subject should be the same as the real Subject. 2. –ing 形式短语作状语时,有时其前可带有从属连词if, though, unless, until, when, while, once ,whenever 等, 以表明作何种状语。 Examples. 1. While walking in the street, I saw my former teacher. 2. Though working hard, he could not pass examination. Exercises—辩错 1. Being ill, so he did not go to school. 2. Having finished his work, he then went to play football. 3. Knowing not his address, he asked the shop assistant nearby. 4. Hearing the sad news, tears came out. 5.While cooking in the kitchen, he heard someone knocking at the door. Exercises ________ (see) the professor, the students smiled and said good morning to him. ____________( finish) his homework, Li began to watch TV. _______ (poor) in those days


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