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四级作文平时积累(1) Directions: Write a composition entitled Natural Gas Output in China.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness. 1.描写下图并用数字说明; 2.分析其原因及未来的趋势; 3.结论。 【步骤构思】 步骤1: 审题:这是一篇以天然气能源为主题的解释型说明文。 步骤2: 引入话题:描述图表的直观信息; 展开话题:从两方面分析图表信息中的原因; 话题结论:得出结论并预测天然气产量的未来趋势。 【作文背诵范文】 Natural Gas Output in China As can be seen from the above graph, there have been a steady increase in the output of natural gas since 1991. In 1991, there was only 15.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China. After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by 0.5 billion cubic meters. By 1995,the output had increased to 17.5 billion cubic meters, an increase by about 13% over that of 1991. 从上面的图表中可以看出,自从1991年以来,天然气产量已经稳步增长。在1991年,中国只生产了155亿立方米的天然气。在此之后,几乎每年都稳步增长5亿立方米。1995年,其产量达到了175亿立方米,比1991年增长了大约13% 。 There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in its output. To name only a few, the first one is the convenience and cleanness in itself which meet the demands of housewives for daily use and thus stimulate its output increase. The second one is that there has been an increasingly great demand for fuel resources from industries and factories because of the rapid economic growth in China. 有许多因素导致天然气产量的急剧增长。举几个例子,第一,天然气本身是便洁能源,符合家庭主妇的日常使用要求,从而剌激了其产量的增长。第二,由于中国经济的迅速增长,工业和工厂对燃料资源的需求增长巨大。 In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continue to increase in the foreseeable future because of the greater demands for it. (164 words) 总之,我们可以有把握地预测,由于对天然气产量的需求越来越大,天然气产量在将来将继续增长。 【高分句型解析】 To name only a few, the first one is the convenience and cleanness in itself which meet the demands of housewives for daily use and thus stimulate its output increase.举几个例子,第一,天然气本身是便洁能源,符合家庭主妇的日常使用要求,从而剌激了其产量的增长。 点评:这是由which引导的定语从句,which指代的是前文内容,此外,这个句子中还需注意一个词组,to name only a few 意思是“仅举几个例子”。 【作文加分词】 steady?? [stedi]???? adj.稳定的 output?? [autput]???? n.输出,生产量 stimulate? [stimjuleit]???? v.刺激,鼓舞 the rapid economic growth???? 经济的快速增长 pred


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