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玻璃山 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 1.我正在努力攀登这座玻璃山。 2。这座玻璃山耸立在十三道街与第八大街的交叉口。 3。我快到半山腰了。 4。人们抬头望着我。 5。这一地段我新来乍到。 6。不过我有些相识. 7.我的脚捆着爬钉,一手抓住一只坚固的橡皮吸盘。 8。我已经爬到200英尺的地方。 9。风刺骨的冷。 10。我的相识在山脚下聚成一堆给我鼓劲儿。 11。蠢驴 12.笨蛋 13.城里的每个人都知道玻璃山。 14。住在这儿的人讲述它的故事。 15。那是讲给观光客听的。 16。摸摸山坡,你会觉得很凉。 17。在山里瞧,你会看到深处蓝白相映闪闪发光。 18.这座山高高耸立在第八大街那一片,好象一东雄伟的, 金碧辉煌的办公大楼。 19.山颠消失在云层里,无云的日子便消失在太阳里。 20。我拔起右手的橡皮吸盘,左手原地不动。 21.随后我上串 一点又在高处一点的地方吸住右手,接着把腿慢慢移到一个新的位置。 The Glass Mountain Donald Barthelme 1. I was trying to climb the glass mountain. 2. The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue. 3. I had attained the lower slope. 4. People were looking up at me. 5. I was new in the neighborhood. 6. Nevertheless I had acquaintances. 7. I had strapped climbing irons to my feet and each hand grasped sturdy plumbers friend. 8. I was 200 feet up. 9. The wind was bitter. 10. My acquaintances had gathered at the bottom of the mountain to offer encouragement. 11. Shithead. 12. Asshole. 13. Everyone in the city knows about the glass mountain. 14. People who live here tell stories about it. 15. It is pointed out to visitors. 16. Touching the side of the mountain, one feels coolness. 17. Peering into the mountain, one sees sparkling blue-white depths. 18. The mountain towers over that part of Eighth Avenue like some splendid, immense office building. 19. The top of the mountain vanishes into the clouds, or on cloudless days, into the sun. 20. I unstuck the righthand plumbers friend leaving the lefthand one in place. 21. Then I stretched out and reattached the righthand one a little higher up, after which I inched my legs into new positions. 22。推进极少,不到一只手臂的长度。 23。我的相识继续说风凉话。 24。“他妈的一个蠢货” 25。这一地段我新来乍到。 26。街上很多人的神情骚动不安。 27。你自己看吧。 28。许许多多的年轻人在街上胡乱开枪,猫在门口,躲在车后。 29。年纪大一点儿的人遛着狗。 30。人行道上到处都是狗屎,泛着耀眼的色彩,赭色,红棕色,黄褐色,土黄色,青绿色骨黑,茜素玫瑰红。 31。有人在砍树时被捕,一排谕树倾倒在那些大众牌和勇士牌轿车之间。 32。无疑是用一把电动锯干的。 33。这一地段我新来乍到,不过,已结交了一些人。 34。一个棕色瓶子在我相识中间传递。 35“比胯部上踢一脚要好一些” 36。“比尖棍在眼睛上戳一下要好一些。” 37,“比一条湿淋淋的鱼


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