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Title 必修3Unit2 Healthy eating 姓名 班别 高三_______ _______组 ______月_______日 Learning aims To grasp the key words, phrases and sentence patterns. To practise some certain reading passages to improve the students’ reading skills, and practice their writing skills. 一. 重点单词重点短语1.保持健康____________2.do some research _____________ 3.对…厌烦_______________ 4.be amazed at ___________5.glare at _____________6.按照;根据…所说______________ 7.throw away_______________ 8.从…获益___________ 9.有关“cut”短语 削减____________ 插话_________________ 切断,中止____________ cut up _____________ cut out________________ cut across _____________ 10.before long ________________ ; long before______________ It was/will be long before….过了很久才…. It was not/will not be long before….不久就… 11.有关“in+名词” 欠债______________; 负责,管理_________________; 处于困境________________; 需要______________;in detail ________________; 有秩序地_________________; 共有,共同___________;通常,一般来说____________;公开的,当众____________; 12.有关“get”短语补充 戒掉,去除____________; 养成习惯_________________; 与…取得联系____________ 与…相处好____________; 陷入困境_________________;get hold of _______________ get out (of)_____________; get away (from)_____________ 二.重点句式补充: 1. Why don’t you sit down and try a meal? Why don’t you do sth.?为固定句型,表示提出建议。翻译为“为什么不做…呢”。相当于Why not do sth.? 例如: Why don’t you have a rest ? = Why not have a rest? =What about having a rest? 归纳拓展 ①So what? 那又怎样? ②What/How about …? ….怎么样? (表提出建议) ③What’s up? 怎么了?/发生什么事? ④What if…?(要是…….)如何?/怎么办? What if she finds out that you’ve lost her book?要是她发现你弄丢了她的书怎么办? 练习: ⑴翻译:为什么不立刻给他打个电话呢? ⑵完成句子: ----Let’s go to the cinema.让我们去看电影吧! ----____ _______? 为什么不呢?/ 好啊。 单句改错(1-5必做题,6-10选作题) 1. The rain is of great beneficial to the plants. 2. My power is limit, so I can’t help you. 3. He earned her living by begging from door to door. 4. Before going on diet, you’d better consult your doctor. 5. It is important to keep a balance, healthy diet. 6. Everyone has his strength and weakness. 7. He suggested that we took a walk af


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