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世界上最牛的目标实现者 字号:? 小? 中? 大? | 打印 发布: 2009-9-25 09:54 ?? 作者: webmaster ?? 来源: ?? 查看: 0次 From early childhood I had always dreamed of becoming an explorer. Somehow I had acquired the impression that an explorer was someone who lived in the jungle with natives and lots of wild animals, and I couldn’t imagine anything better than that! Unlike other little boys, most of whom changed their minds about what they want to be several times as they grew older, I never wavered from this ambition. (John Goddard) The author of that statement is most known for his amazing “life list” of accomplishments. At the age of fifteen John Goddard listed 127 goals he wished to experience or achieve in his lifetime. The list is impressive and audacious, but the results have been truly incredible. With his permission, I would like to share his original 127 goals and subsequent accomplishments, identified by the check marks of completion. Explore: 1. Nile River 2. Amazon River 3. Congo River 4. Colorado 5. Yangtze River, China 6. Niger River 7. Orinoco River, Venezuela 8. Rio Coco, Nicaragua 9. The Congo 10. New Guinea 11. Brazil 12. Borneo 13. The Sudan (Nearly buried alive in a sandstorm) Study Tribal Cultures in: 14. Australia 15. Kenya 16. The Philippines 17. Tanganyika (Now Tanzania) 18. Ethiopia 19. Nigeria 20. Alaska Climb: 21. Mount Everest 22. Mount Aroncagua, Argentina 23. Mount McKinley 24. Mount Huascaran, Peru 25. Mount Kilimanjaro 26. Mount Aratat, Turkey 27. Mount Kenya 28. Mount Cook, New Zealand 29. Mount Popocatepetl, Mexico 30. The Matterhorn 31. Mount Rainier 32. Mount Fugi 33. Mount Vesuvius 34. Mount Bromo, Java 35. Grand Tetons 36. Mount Baldy, California 37. Carry out careers in medicine and exploration 38. Visited every country in the world (visited 122 already). 39. Study Navaho and Hopi cultures 40. Learn to fly a plane 41. Ride horse in Rose Parade Photograph: 42. Iguacu Falls, Brazil-Argentine border 43. Victoria Fall


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