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邯郸学院外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages of Handan College 英美小说选读学期小论文 论文题目: 对《外婆日用家当》中黑人文化遗产的不同态度的分析 Title: An Analysis of Different Attitudes to Black Heritage in Everyday Use 专 业: 英语师范 Abstract:Alice Walker is the author of “Everyday Use”from the collection In Love and Trouble published in 1973 was written during the heyday of the Black Power movement, when African Americans were trying to gain racial equality and called for self-determination and racial dignity. Everyday Use is Alice Walker’s answer to the social discourse of that time, especially concerning the African American concept of heritage and identity. This paper tries to analyze that three women have different attitudes and concepts about black heritage. Key words: black heritage attitude Dee Mrs. Johnson Maggie Introduction The aim of this work is to introduce the reader to some vital ideas of Alice Walker’s writings, especially concerning the concept of black heritage, by interpreting her short story “Everyday Use”. Before being led into the story’s interpretation the reader learns about Alice Walker’s notable biography. A short outline of the story’s plot and structure informs the reader about the main topics and prepares him to enter a deeper level of understanding. The main characters are presented and characterized before their different concepts of heritage are juxtaposed. Finally, the story’s key images, the quilts, are examined a little more deeply and the narrative situation is discussed. The story is widely accepted as one of the best stories on the dilemma of black heritage and has a wide range of images. It gives birth to new aspects every time you have understood one of the numerous levels of meaning the story includes. The main source for this work is Raimund Borgmeier’s very profound article on the short story. It was not easy to find useful mat


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