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A It was Christmas Eve already, but he had nothing for his mother.Wiping a tear from his eyes, Bobby started to walk down to the 36 where the shops and stores were.Bobby walked from shop to shop, 37 into each decorated window.Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of 38 . It was getting dark and Bobby 39 turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caughtthe glimmer of the 40 sun s rays reflecting off something along the road.He reached down and 41 a shiny dime.Never before has anyone felt so 42 as Bobby felt at that moment.43 he walked into the first store he saw.His excitement quickly 44 cold when the salesperson told him that he couldnt buy 45 with only a dime. He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait 46 line.Bobby presented the dime and asked if he 47 buy one flower for his mother s Christmas gift.Suddenly the shop owner48 himself many years ago.I too, was a poor boy with nothing to 49 my mother a Christmas gift.A bearded man, whom I 50 knew, stopped me on the street and gave meten dollars. The 51 knew what he could do for Bobby, and he put together a dozen of his best roses.The owner said, I just 52 to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen Would you like them? Bobby was moved to 53 and gave the man his dime.The owner said Merry Christmas, son, and stepped out 54 Bobby into the bitter cold air, he somehow didnt feel cold 55 36.A.path B.highway C.street D.crossing 37.A.moving B.getting C.marching D.looking 38.A.reach B.doubt C.trouble D.mind 39.A.angrily B.excitedly C.unwillingly D.happily 40.A.setting B.burning C.rising D.falling 41.A.recognized B.studied C.picked D.discovered 42.A.worthy B. wealthy C.valuable D.precious 43.A.Finally B.Shortly C.Immediately D.Hesitatedly


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