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报刊标题词汇 Headline Vocabulary Word Common Headline meanings Chinese A abuse n. v. to use wrongly or improperly 滥用;虐待;伤害 accord n. agreement 协议 aftermath agenda n. plan, outline of things to be done 待议诸事项;议程;日常工作事项 aid n. v. help 帮助,援助 air to make known 宣扬 annul arrest n. v. to put in jail 逮捕;拘留 assail v. to criticize strongly 抨击,指责 assault at large phr. free of punishment 未被捕获的;整个 at stake phr. In danger of being lost or at risk 危险;风险 axe v. to dismiss from a job to cut, destroy, take away 辞职 B back v. to support 支持 backlash beckon v. to signal, summon; to attract; to lure 示意;打招呼;引诱 baffle v. to confuse or bewilder 使受挫;阻挠 balk v. to refuse to accept 拒绝接受 ballot ban n. v. prohibition 禁止 bar not to allow, exclude, prohibit 禁止,阻止 bid ttempt, offer 试图,尝试, bilk v. to cheat 欺骗 blast explosion, criticize strongly to criticize strongly; strike with explosives 爆炸,评击 blaze ire 火灾,烈火,火焰 bleak blockade n. the closing off of a port , city, etc. by an enemy 封锁 blow n. injury, disappointment suffered 伤痛,打击 boom boost v. help, incentive 帮助 boycott v. to refrain from buying or use something as a means of protest 联合抵制;拒绝参加;一致与…绝交 budget n. an estimate of expected income and expenses 预算;经费 C cite v. mention 提到 claim n. v. to declare to be true 声明 claim v. to kill 杀死 clash n.v. dispute, violent argument, fight 分歧 cool adj. uninterested, unfriendly 冷漠 coup n. revolution, change in government 革命,变更 curb limit, control, restraint 限制,控制 cut reduction 削减 deadline n. the time by which something must be finished 最后期限 deadlock n. a disagreement that cant be settled 僵局 deal agreement 协议 drive n. campaign, effort 运动 due expected 预期 ease v. to reduce or loosen 减轻,平息 envoy diplomat 外交家,外交官 eve the day before 前一日 exit leave 离开 eye to watch with interest 目击 fault v. to find in the wrong 挑剔 feud dispute, strong disagreement 争执,分歧 flay accuse, criticize strongly 控诉,抨击 foe opponent, enemy 对手,强敌 foil to prevent from


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