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2009年12月METS三级模拟练习B卷 31. One __ that is often responsible for eyestrain in children is farsightedness, or hyperopia. [A] defect [B] deficit [C] deformity [D] deficiency 32. I __ asked the physician not to put me on a diet again. [A] considerably [B] confidently [C] merely [D] noticeably 33. Some people have tremendous ability to bounce back from __. [A] difficulty [B] extremity [C] activity [D] adversity 34. The young man’s left arm has not recovered to its full __. [A] capacity [B] length [C] scarcity [D] flexibility. 35. Common forms of treatment for hypertension include dietary changes, weight loss, the use of __ and other medications. [A] lotion [B] capsules [C] diuretics [D] analgesics 36. Diarrhea is an increase in the number of stools and the passage of liquid, unformed __. [A] leakage [B] feces [C] menses [D] serum 37. One form of __ affects people who drink too much alcohol, because alcohol irritates liver tissue. [A] sclerosis [B] stenosis [C] cirrhosis [D] acidosis 38. The bones of the aged persons are more __ than the bones of young persons. [A] frothy [B] flexible [C] lumpy [D] fragile 39. Physicians center their efforts on __ the patient’s strength, nutrition, and fluid intake. [A] taking up [B] doing up [C] pulling up [D] keeping up 40. Some conditions, such as pregnancy or obesity, may __ chest wall movement, preventing full lung expansion. [A] distend [B] restrict [C] inflate [D] alleviate 41. In some cases there may be __ damage that replacement is the only resort. [A] much [B] so much [C] a little [D] such a 42. If these glands are removed, __ a series of muscle contractions, involving particularly the head and the face muscles. [A] there follow [B] there follows [C] there will follow [D] the


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