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汉英法律专业词汇(法理、法制史、宪法学) Jurisprudence, History of Legal Systems and Constitution 法制教育 legal education; education of legal system 法制史 legal history; history of legal system 法治 rule of law 法治的机制 the mechanism of rule of law 法治的要素 the element of rule of law 非实质的 immaterial 非营利的 non-profit 非约束性条款 permissive provision 废止法律 annulment of law 分别管辖权? separate jurisdiction 分别财产制 separation of property regime 分别规定 separate provision 分担责任 share the responsibility 分工负责,互相配合,互相制约 divide responsibility for their own work; coordinate their efforts and check each other 分工负责制 division of labor responsibility system 分级管理 different levels holding different responsibilities 分配制度 distribution system 分析法理学 analytical jurisprudence 否决权 power veto; veto power 否认事实 denial of facts 服从法律 amenable to law; subject to the law 服从判决 accept a judgment 符合程序 be in order 符合法律 be in conformity with law 符合宪法 constitutionality 符合宪法的法律 constitutional law 符合原则 be in conformity with the principle 盖尤斯 Gaius 概括裁定 general verdict 概括继承 general succession 干扰司法公正 interference with course of justice 刚性条款 entrenched clause 刚性宪法 rigid constitution 岗位责任制 post responsibility system 高等法院 high court; high court of justice 高度集中 highly centralize 高度民主 high level of democracy 高度自治权 high degree of autonomy 高级法官 senior judge 高级法院superior court 高级人民法院 Higher People’s Court 高级人民检察院 Higher People’s Procuratortate 搁置 set aside; abeyance 格式条款 clause of style 公认的行为准则 established standard of conduct 规避法律 in fraud of law 规避义务 evade obligations 规范的法律规则 normative rule of law 规范法学 normative jurisprudence 规范性法律文件 normalizative document of law 规范性法律文件的规范化 normalization of normative legal document 国际法international law 国际法学 international jurisprudence 过错方 tort-feasor; wrongdoer 过错推定原则 doctrine of presumption 过错责任 liability for wrongs; tort liability 海事法院 court of admiralty 《汉穆拉比法典》 Code of Hammurabi 合并条款 consolidation of provisions 合法的个人财产 legal personal property 合法地位 legal status 合法权益 the lawful rights and interests 合法行为 lawful acts; legalit


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