UNIT Ⅱ 27个写作高频语汇.doc

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觉得很有用的就用红色标记了~ 反面案例:good, I think   1 good的表达:   味觉 tasty, delicious, sweet   嗅觉 fragrant, delicious   视觉 beautiful, handsome, lovely,   触觉 smooth, soft,   通用词 satisfied, terrific, encouraged, positive,   good man????????? good teacher   good student??????? good book   good advice???????? bad   Top student, brilliant student, outstanding student   Well-written, classic, thought-provoking,   Helpful, useful,   Negative, depressing, frightful   2 I think 表达的多样性   单词表达:   assume, argue, emphasize, insist, hold, consider, find, suggest, regard   短语表达:   In my opinion,   As far as I am concerned,   For my part,   As for me,   When it comes to me,   In my point of view??   3 危害 harm—damage, destroy, undermine   do harm to/do good to   do more harm than good   do more good than harm   4 获得 get—obtain, acquire? 语域   5 解决 solve—settle, tackle, overcome   6 问题/ problem—trouble, headache, crisis, disaster   7 著名的famous—Prestigious, enjoy a high reputation??????????????????   8 严重的 serious—severe, grave????????????????????   9 快乐的 happy— Happiness, happily, make sb. happy   10 很多 many—Numerous, countless, a great number of?????????????????   11 各种各样的many kinds of — various kinds of/ all sorts of/ diverse kinds of   12 显然地obviously — evidently   13 我相信I believe— I insist/ I maintain/ I am convinced   14 光明的未来bright future—brilliant / splendid/ promising   15 “问题”短语总汇   着手解决问题 address the problem/issue   减缓问题的危害性 alleviate the problem   造句:有三种办法可以减缓问题的严重性。   使问题变得更加严重make the problem worse,complicate the problem   16 误导mislead、misdirect、misguide?   造句:有些广告提供给消费者误导性信息。?????   18 集中精力focus on、concentrate on   造句:大学生应该集中精力于学习自己的专业知识。   19 随着   1) Along with the development of…???? 随着经济的发展   Along with the growth of …?????? 随着人口的增长   Along with the wide use of …????? 随着互联网的广泛使用??????   2) There is a growing tendency for…to …   3) As the modern society has entered an information age /digital age /cyber age /Internet age,????????????????????????????   20 时常more often than not /frequent


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