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我的Module 2 Unit 5 Music 3 Grammar

Module 2 Unit 5 Music —— Grammar “介词+关系代词which/whom”引导的定语从句 一、简介:“介词 + 关系代词which/whom”引导的定语从句是定语从句中较复杂的一种,多用于正式文体中。这类定语从句的关系代词主要有 which, whom, whose 。它们既可引导限定性定语从句,又可引导非限定性定语从句。 二、查找:从课文中找出“介词 + 关系代词which/whom”引导的定语从句。1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ 三.分析句式特点:在“介词 + 关系代词which/whom”引导的定语从句中,如果关系代词指代事物就用 _______ ;如果指代人则用 _______ 若表示“……的”则用 ________。 例句展示: 1. This is the classroom in which we studied last year. 这就是我们去年学习的教室。 2. There are sixty students in our class, twenty of whom are girls. 我们班有六十个学生,其中二十个是女生。 3. He lives in a house, whose door opens to the north. 他住的房子门是朝北开的。 四、介词用法回顾:在句中填入适当的介词。 1. We discussed many problems __ the meeting yesterday. 2. Peter was very grateful ____ Simon’s help. 3. I paid 5000 yuan _____ the computer. 4. Man can’t live _______ air. 5. The People’s Republic of China was founded_____ October 1st, 1949. 6. The People’s Republic of China was founded____1949. 7. Hangzhou is famous ___ the West Lake. 8. The man talked_____ the girl just now. 刚才那名男子与那个女孩谈话了。 9. The man talked _____ the girl just now. 刚才那名男子谈到了那个女孩。 10. The clever boy could see what was happening inside the house______ a hole in the wall. 透过窗户,这个聪明的男孩能看见屋内发生了什么事情。 五、用“介词+which/whom”将a, b 两个句子连接起来。 1. a. The woman is from the USA. b. I work for her.The woman , for whom I work , is from the USA. 2. a. Alice likes the family. b. She is living with them. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. a. The person never answers me. b. I sent an e-mail to him. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. a. That is the girl. b. You len


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