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英语期末考试词汇练习 单元一 1.petition:solemn request or demand to a superior authority.请愿 eg①:The representative presented to the committee a ______signed by 1,200 electors asking for a thorough probe into the financial scandal surrounding the candidate for the regional legislature.?【C】 A. post B. letter C. petition D. paper? eg②The towns people sent a 【petition】 to the government asking for electric lights for the town.? eg③:They 【petitioned】 for an early end to the fighting.? 2.incur:receive(sth. unpleasant) as a result of certain actions;bring upon oneself 招致;惹起 eg①The employees tried to avoid every risk that might ______her displeasure during the first month after her divorce.?【C】 A. indebt B. indicate C. incur D. incline eg②More than half of theses companies 【incurred】 substantial losses during the stock market crash.? eg③:His irresponsibility and dishonesty 【incurred】 the anger of his friends.? 3.ingrained:(of habits,tendencies,ect.)deeply fixed 根深蒂固的,一成不变的 eg①The belief that one should work hard and be honest is deeply ______in our culture.?【D】 A. incurred B. ingenious C. ingredient D. ingrained? eg②:Its an ingrained】 prejudice that intelligence is influenced by ones skin color.? eg③:No one can persuade him to get rid of the ingrained】 habits of a decade.? 4.importune:beg someone repetitively to do something 坚决请求;纠缠不休 eg①The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ______for more pocket money all the time.?【B】 A. impressing B. importuning C. informing D. improvising? eg②:The child importuned】 his mother to take him to the amusement part again. eg③:Dont give him money. He will only importune】 more of it from you.? 5.provocative:causing or intended to cause interest or some other emotive reaction 刺激的;挑拨的;气人的 eg:In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must make no ______move.?【D】 A. primitive B. proximate C. pathetic D. provocative? 6.stranded:being in a helpless position;unable to get away,处于困境的 eg①:Whales occas


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