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摘 要 直放站作为移动通信中继设备已经在国内外移动通信系统中广泛应用,无论是在解决网络延伸,还是在扩大网络覆盖区域,它都是最佳的选择。在增强信号,改善通信质量方面,它实现了“小容量、大覆盖”的目标。在现代的建筑物里特别是复杂的室内结构里,移动电话信号弱,手机无法正常使用,形成了移动通信的盲区。室内光纤直放机(直放站)系统将移动电话信号变成光信号后,通过光纤和光无源分配器件将光信号分配到建筑物内各个盲区,光纤与电缆相比,具有频带宽、损耗低、体积小、重量轻、抗电磁干扰等优点,是解决高大建筑物内移动通信问题的最佳方案. 本课题以武汉邮科院虹信通信技术有限责任公司为背景 ,对移动通信系统及光纤通信系统的特点、组成进行了简要介绍。主要分析了GZF900M-IV型直放机的工作原理、主要技术性能和技术条件以及一些重要参数的测试。基于GSM网络优化在实际运用中的重要性,最后介绍了网络优化中的干扰问题及其解决的方法。 关键字:移动通信,直放机,光纤,三阶互调,增益 Abstract As the repeater equipment in mobile communication, the repeaters have been used widely abroad. It is the best choice not only in the aspect of extending network, but also in the aspect of enlarging networks cover. To strengthen signal and improve the quality of communication, the mobile communications repeaters have realized the aim of “little space, large cover”. In the modern building, especially the building with complex structure, signal is very weak, and mobile phone cannot work normally. These areas are the blind area in mobile communication. Indoor optical fiber mobile communications repeater system turns the signal of mobile phone into optical signal, distribute the optical signal to every blind area in the building by optical fiber and solely passive alloter. Compared with cable, optical fiber has many advantages such as wider frequency band, less loss, lighter, better ability of fighting electromagnetism disturb. It is the best way of solving problem of mobile communication in large building. This program is backed up by Wu Han mail technique group HONGXING communication technique Company. It will give a simple introduction of the characteristic and formality of mobile communication system and optical fiber communication system. We will mainly discuss the principle, main technique performance, technical conditions and some important test of parameter of the mobile communications repeater GZF900M-IV. We will introduce disturb problems in the GSM network Optimization and how to settle the problems based on the importance


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