选修6Module 3Interpersonal Relationships.doc

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选修6Module 3Interpersonal Relationships

选修6 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2013·河南豫东六校联考)—I’ve decided to quit this job,but I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a better one. —________.You never know until you try. A.Forget it        B.Go for it C.Good luck D.Never mind 2.(2013·北京重点高中尖子生综合素质展示)It is said that________wool produced in Australia is of________high quality. A./;/ B.the;/ C.the;a D.the;the 3.(2013·山西高三上学期诊断)—Oh,God!Somebody________the cup. —It wasn’t me.I didn’t do it. A.was breaking B.is breaking C.has broken D.had broken 4.(2013·重庆部分学校高三联考)Suddenly I realized that I had stayed here long and________to say goodbye to the host. A.raised B.rose C.lifted D.stood 5.(2013·云南省部分名校二次统考)One valuable tip for graduates is that first impressions during a job interview really________. A.apply B.function C.award D.count 6.(2011·陕西卷)I________through that bitter period without your generous help. A.couldn’t have gone B.didn’t go C.wouldn’t go D.hadn’t gone 7.(2013·南京二模)The flood last month in the east was a real disaster,________19 people dead and 78 missing. A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.having left 8.Eliza and Ella are on________good terms with each other and they often talk on________phone for hours. A.the;/ B./;the C.the;the D./;/ 9.I________Belinda for what she had said;I knew her failure put her in a bad mood. A.trusted B.honoured C.scolded D.forgave 10.I’m sure you will pass the exam because you ________so hard this year. A.worked B.had worked C.will work D.have been working 11.My grandma was sent to hospital after she had a car accident.Much to my________,she is safe now. A.anxiety B.surprise C.relief D.depression 12.Nothing in the world is impossible,and success________those with a determined mind. A.belongs to B.is belonged to C.will be belonged to D.is belonging to 13.(2013·烟台市第二次诊断)Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical,and this special chemical,________,affects our brains,making us feel happy. A.in turn B.in particular C.in advance D



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