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Module6 Unit3 A healthy life Reading Writing 书面表达 请参照第三单元P18课文,同时根据题目所提出的具体要求,写出一篇连贯完整的短文。词数不少于60。 目前,学校存在一些学生吸烟现象。21st Century英文报拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题为“Stop smoking! You can do it!”。请用英语写一篇征文稿。内容应包括: 吸烟的危害2-3条-3条 Stop smoking! You can do it! Smoking is a bad habit. Everyone knows it is harmful but it is a fact that a lot of people smoke heavily. To make things worse, many students in high schools start smoking and even become addicted to cigarettes. 阅读材料:( M6U3 Reading on P18 ) Activity1. Understand the writing task. Read the instruction, underline the key words and fill in the form. Title Stop smoking! You can do it! Content Person Tense Word limit Activity 2. Read the passage to get related information. Read the passage and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Advice From Grandad Paragraphs Main idea Para.1 --- D. harmful effects of smoking Para.2 --- E. Grandad’s hope Para.3 --- A. Grandad’s healthy life Para.4 --- B. the reason for the letter Para.5 --- C. three ways of becoming addicted to cigarettes Activity 3. Give suggestions on how to give up smoking. 1) Using key words, write down your group’s advice. 2) Read the advice found on the Internet on P19 and add more new ideas.


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