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AIIC:口译员职业道德准则 时间:2009-10-11 15:57来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3989次 国际会议口译员协会(AIIC)是专业会议口译人员的国际组织,以其入会资格之严苛著名,其会员身份是国际公认的合格会议口译人员的标志。因此,该协会制定的《职业道德守则》对于我国的口译人员有较高的参考价值。以下为会议口译员《职业道德守则》英汉对照全文,英文原文见国际会议口译员协会网站,中文译文由付蕾翻译,黄长奇审定。 AIIC: Code of Professional Ethics 会议口译员职业道德守则 I. Purpose and Scope 一、 目的和范围 Article 1 第1条 1. This Code of Professional Ethics (hereinafter called the Code) lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality which all members of the Association shall be bound to respect in their work as conference interpreters. 1. 本《职业道德守则》(以下简称《守则》)规定了诚信、专业和保密的标准,所有会员均有义务在其作为会议口译员的工作中遵循这些标准。 2. Candidates shall also undertake to adhere to the provisions of this Code. 2. 候选会员(candidates)也应承诺遵守本守则的规定。 3. The Council, acting in accordance with the Regulation on Disciplinary Procedure, shall impose penalties for any breach of the rules of the profession as defined in this Code. 3. 按照《纪律程序条例》,理事会将对任何违反本守则所界定的职业规则的行为予以惩罚。 II. Code of Honour 二、荣誉准则 Article 2 第2条 1. Members of the Association shall be bound by the strictest secrecy, which must be observed towards all persons and with regard to all information disclosed in the course of the practice of the profession at any gathering not open to the public. 1. 会员应受严格的保密准则约束。在任何不向公众开放的会议中,所有人员均需对口译过程中披露的所有信息严格保密。 2. Members shall refrain from deriving any personal gain whatsoever from confidential information they may have acquired in the exercise of their duties as conference interpreters. 2. 严禁会员利用会议口译员的职务之便,用可能获取的机密信息谋取任何私利。 Article 3 第3条 1. Members of the Association shall not accept any assignment for which they are not qualified. Acceptance of an assignment shall imply a moral undertaking on the members part to work with all due professionalism. 1. 会员不得接受任何本人难以胜任的任务。接受任务则意味着会员在道义上承诺将以应有的专业水准工作。 2. Any member of the Association recruiting other conference interpreters, be they members of the Association or not, shall give the same undertaking. 2. 任何会员在招募其他会议口译员时,无论后者是否为本协会会员,都应给予客户同样的保证。 3. Members of t


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