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Bohan Primary School English Monthly Exercises (2013.3)--Grade 6I. Listening 听力A. Look, listen and choose选出与你所听到的内容意思相符的图片 1. 2. 3. 4.5.B. Listen and choose选出与你所听到的内容意思相符的答案 ( ) 1.A. Peking Man made fire in the cave .B. Peking Man was an ape-man .C. Peking Man could make things . ( ) 2.A. Sanya is a really beautiful place .B. My family went to Sanya during summer holiday .C. I often go to Sanya in summer .( ) 3.A. It`s Mother`s Day today .B. It`s Women`s Day today .C. It`s Children`s Day today . ( ) 4.A. Trees can make the river fresh and clean .B. Trees can help us to keep air fresh and clean .C. Trees are fresh and clean . ( ) 5.A. Miss Liu told us about some animals in the science class last week . B. We did listening and speaking in class.C. We liked to learn about many different things in class. C. Listen and choose 下面你将听到一段对话并看到与对话相关的五个问题,根据听到的对话内容选择正确答案( ) 1. When did Lily move to Lisa`s neighbourhood? _________ A. This week B. Last week C. Next Saturday ( ) 2. Where is Lisa playing now ? ___________ A. In the SunBuilding B. In her neighbourhoodC. In front of the SunBuilding ( ) 3. Where does Lisa live? ___________ A. At 305 SunBuilding B. On the main street C. We don`t know her house number. ( ) 4. Does Lily want to go to the post office ? ____________ A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn`t. C. The dialogue doesn`t tell us. ( ) 5. Where is the post office ? ______________Go straight along the road and turn right.Go straight along the main street , you can see a green building on your left.It`s on the left of the green building.D. Listen and tick or cross根据你所听到的内容判断T F()1 . Li Yan were not at school last week . ( ) 2. Yang Ming`s grandma lives in Hangzhou . ( ) 3. Both Yang Ming and Li Yan were born in Beijing . ( ) 4. Li Yan was born on New Year’s Day , t


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